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On Fri, 2012-06-15 at 16:24 +0400, Ivan Timofeev wrote:

FWIW, I'm sure you know that #i16816# maps to (thesedays) so that's the bug
apparently being addressed by the original commit. Though there's no
immediate explanation there for that specific hunk.

so on pdfexport we are taking next portion if it is a hole portion 
regardless of its position. What is this: "a hole portion"?
I haven't a clue, but I see that SwTxtPortion::FormatEOL is one of two
places that makes one, which makes me wonder if is related.

I am thinking: maybe the proper fix is to negate that condition:


(it solves the problem as well)
Apparently a HolePortion is a basically a chunk of blank space required
to exist in some edge-cases. My guess is that the logic isn't reversed
in the original and if the choices are between fixing fdo#32181 and
retaining the fix for some obscure palmos pdf problem of #i16816# that
your first patch is the better choice. Just a guess.

Lack of visual layout regression tests is hurting us here :-( Custom
testing font + save to pdf + ye-old-imagemagick-subtract-images-trick is
probable way to go on that front for long term.



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