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On 06/13/2012 03:07 PM, Joel Madero wrote:
Hi Daniel,

Just a quick email to see if you have finished up with the stuff
needed so I can do the patch for this minor change that has been
brought up as a bug. The files that will be changed are:


Object name changes:


Let me know if I can make these changes and shoot a patch out. Not
even sure if it'll be accepted but I want to try as a user is
concerned about wording.



Hi, Joel,

Although I did have a commit last week that used some code from validate.cxx, Markus was the one that was working in this area directly. So Markus would be the one to check with. Regardless, I think that I would be ok just to send the patch to the mailing list, and we can take a look.
Daniel Bankston


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