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Hi Tor,

On Tue, 12 Jun 2012 09:33:23 +0300, Tor Lillqvist <> wrote:
Just a small thing, but still: Several cleanups recently have removed
commented-out code. That is good. But the commit comments say that
"dead code" was removed. That is misleading.
Thank you for pointing it out.

Dead code is (according to Wikipedia) "code in the source code of a
program which is executed but whose result is never used in any other
computation". Personally I would have said that dead code is code that
is present in an executable (program or shared library) but is never
executed, i.e. a synonym to unreachable code.

Anyway, dead (unreachable) code is something else than commented-out code.
I see it is important to use appropriate words in a commit comment, and
try doing so better hereafter.

-- Takeshi Abe

I am sure we have lots of actual dead/unreachable code too, and
finding and removing it reduces the size of our binaries. I suspect we
have significant amounts of code that would be reachable under some
complicated condition that actually never is true (any more). Figuring
out that can be hard of course.

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