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On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 11:08 AM, David Tardon <> wrote:
On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 09:40:49PM +0400, Ruslan Kabatsayev wrote:

Current GTK theming plugin renders toolbar buttons as non-flat
unconditionally. But some themes, e.g. oxygen-gtk expect toolbuttons
to be flat, and the desktop integration fails.
I'm attaching a patch to fix this. The patch has been tested with
oxygen-gtk(current master), QtCurve-GTK, Glossy and Simple themes.


+    if(GTK_IS_TOGGLE_BUTTON(button))
+    {
+       if(gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(button)))

This is equivalent to "if(nState & CTRL_STATE_PRESSED)", is it not?

It's not equivalent since this code checks if the button is
toggled-down (like e.g. Align Left button in Formatting toolbar).
CTRL_STATE_PRESSED, OTOH, means that the button is being pressed by
the mouse, and doesn't take toggled state into account.
This state of toggle button is set in NWPaintGTKToolbar() on
aValue.getTristateVal()==BUTTONVALUE_ON to make rendering correct.
Togglebuttons in toolbars have a bit more states, e.g. toggled and
prelit, toggled and not prelit, pressed, etc., so they should be
handled differently from usual press buttons.

+           shadowType=GTK_SHADOW_IN;
+       else
+           shadowType=GTK_SHADOW_OUT;
+       if(nState & CTRL_STATE_ROLLOVER)
+           stateType=GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT;
+       else
+           stateType=GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
+       if(nState & CTRL_STATE_PRESSED)
+       {
+           stateType=GTK_STATE_ACTIVE;
+           shadowType=GTK_SHADOW_IN;
+       }
+    }

It seems to me that this code could be used in
NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState (with the above modification), so there
would be no need for toggle button-specific code branch. Or am I missing

If this is moved to NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState, a new argument (set
default to 0 for other callers) would be needed for this function,
namely, GtkWidget* button. Or, if we don't want to rely on toggle
button state, we'll have to pass ImplControlValue& aValue and do this
check there.
Not sure if this is really better... Do you think this still should be done?

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