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Hi guys,

        Just a heads up: I am getting:

        "The application cannot be started. Cannot activate implementation
file ... loading component library failed".

        This is down to having an internal libxml2 in my solver/workdir and
building vs. the (apparently older/different) system libxml which is
missing the LIBXML2_GLOBAL_VARIABLES version.

        Solution: prolly easiest to re-build from scratch[1].

        and re-run 'make' :-) or of course, with lots of spare CPU time,
re-make from clean.

        Digging at the dependencies, it makes me wonder why we indirectly
include tons of libxml headers across writer in order to get a single
struct forward definition - am testing a fix for that.



[1] - I tried something like:
        rm -Rf libxml2/ libxmlsec/
        find workdir solver -name '*libxml*' | xargs rm -Rf
        find workdir -name '*.d' | xargs rm
        make l10ntools.clean jvmfwk.clean
--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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