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On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 10:17:28PM +0200, Mat M wrote:
Although you did awonderful FAQ on the Chatter on the left, I was
surprised the block named "Volunteer opportunities, etc" states that
"No volunteer opportunities in libreoffice indexed here yet."

It needs to be checked, but maybe we could add the bugtracker query
getting the issues having whiteboard like "EasyHack
DifficultyBeginner" ?
*grumble* I had two queries there: One really querying for EasyHacks and
returning a list of those containing EasyHack. This did what we really want.
However it did not return XML (which openhatch seems to require).
Since I didnt figure out how to query with an XML result in freedesktop, I had
a second query with hardcoded Bug-Ids which returned XML. I hoped that
openhatch used the first query when the EasyHacks showed up. Unfortunately, I
was wrong -- so I added back the hardcoded XML returning query:

That is of course less than optimal. If somebody knows how to query fdo for
XML, please fix openhatch to use it.




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