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Eike Rathke schrieb:

On Wednesday, 2012-05-16 09:28:16 +0200, Winfried Donkers wrote:

Ehh.. I'm not familiar with adding content to (wiki/web) pages. And
anyway, Eike deserves at least as much credit for this patch.

I've no problem with being not explicitly mentioned, but add me if you
think I deserve it ;-)

I don't see any LibreOffice comments, would this (DATEDIF) be the first one?

Yes, indeed, this would be an interesting precedence case.. it's
probably better to setup our own page for this.

I'm not sure about that. It means to double the work and makes information scattered.

 Also Wolfgang's BIT*
functions are in LibO, so would need to be flagged as integrated, same
with Regina's CSC/SEC functions.

Yes, I haven't update the Wiki. But it is a Wiki and in no way _my_ page. So you can alter it as needed.

As all significant work on that OOo wiki page is your's, would you be
willing to contribute it in its entirety to the TDF/LibO wiki?

If you want to copy the content, you may do it. But I see no necessity.

Btw, seeing your work on IMSEC and such is lingering as a patch attached
to what's the state
of the patch? Would it be ready to be integrated? And if so, would you
contribute it?

Oh, that is two years old and I've lost sight of it. As far as I remember, the mathematics are right, but there have been some problems with xls and sxc file format, import/export and round trips. Some problems are mentioned in, for example. And the parts for the help are missing too. So no, that is not ready to integrate. From point of license I prefer to get it under APL2.0 license too, otherwise an integration to AOO will be difficult. Differences in UI for AOO and LO are OK, but things which are close to ODF file format and touch import/export filters should be exchangeable.

Also, coukld this page be a source for me to add more formulas that are in ODF1.2 and not yet in 

Yes, it should be pretty up-to-date. Just give us a heads-up what you
would like to pick so we can get into details. If possible we should
focus on functions defined in the Small/Medium/Large sets of ODFF in
that order, see

I think we cover all of Small and most of Medium, only a few missing,
a double check would be good.

Kind regards


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