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First, my thanks to Caolán McNamara and Stephan Bergmann for helping
me with my build problems.

Now, my build is successful, but soffice.bin falls over quickly with
css::uno::DeploymentException.  Before the program ends, I see ten
exceptions being thrown and caught; the attachment has a backtrace
from what I guess might be an interesting point.  Continuing from
there, I see ...

    OStoreSuperBlock::verify(), finds m_aGuard.m_nMagic !=
    STORE_MAGIC_SUPERBLOCK and returns store_E_WrongFormat.

    SuperBlockPage::verify() sees this twice and returns
    store_E_WrongFormat.  This return value propagates through six
    call levels to ORegistry::initRegistry().

    ORegistry::initRegistry() returns REG_INVALID_REGISTRY.  This
    return value propagates through three call levels to

    ServiceManager::readLegacyRdbFile() decides that there is no good
    reason for this result, and it returns false.

    ServiceManager::readRdbFile() throws
    css::uno::DeploymentException.  The program is well on its way to
    falling over.  e.Message in the thrown exception says, with
    newlines inserted freely, ...

        script-provider-for-python/components.rdb: duplicate
        <implementation name="org.openoffice.pyuno.

I have master commit d015384, pulled around 2012-05-20 12:53 UTC; but
I also saw the problem with master commit cdd4d96, pulled around
2012-05-15 15:15 UTC.  My latest configuration parameters are ...


but I also saw the problem when I configured with an additional ...


(Yes, I have been reduced to poking things at random.  Sigh!)

Suggestions welcome.


#0  OStoreSuperBlock::verify (this=0x8077f98) at 
#1  0x040dc83d in store::SuperBlockPage::verify (this=0x8077f78, rBIOS=...) at 
#2  0x040dcf21 in store::OStorePageBIOS::initialize_Impl (this=0x8068640, pLockBytes=0x8073d64, 
eAccessMode=store_AccessReadOnly, rnPageSize=@0xbfffe4fc) at 
#3  0x040dcde8 in store::OStorePageBIOS::initialize (this=0x8068640, pLockBytes=0x8073d64, 
eAccessMode=store_AccessReadOnly, rnPageSize=@0xbfffe4fc) at 
#4  0x040e7af9 in store::OStorePageManager::initialize (this=0x8068640, pLockBytes=0x8073d64, 
eAccessMode=store_AccessReadOnly, rnPageSize=@0xbfffe4fc) at 
#5  0x040eb796 in store_openFile (pFilename=0x806d8b0, eAccessMode=store_AccessReadOnly, 
nPageSize=512, phFile=0xbfffe59c) at /home/terry/lo_hacking/git/libo/store/source/store.cxx:174
#6  0x02f0f585 in store::OStoreFile::create (this=0xbfffe59c, rFilename=..., 
eAccessMode=store_AccessReadOnly, nPageSize=512) at 
#7  0x02f0abd9 in ORegistry::initRegistry (this=0x8073fa0, regName=..., accessMode=1) at 
#8  0x02f153b8 in openRegistry (registryName=0x806d8b0, phRegistry=0xbfffe77c, accessMode=1) at 
#9  0x008e5ad3 in Registry::open (this=0xbfffe778, registryName=..., accessMode=1) at 
#10 0x008c2204 in (anonymous namespace)::ServiceManager::readLegacyRdbFile (this=0x806b890, 
uri=...) at /home/terry/lo_hacking/git/libo/cppuhelper/source/defaultbootstrap.cxx:1311
#11 0x008c20c0 in (anonymous namespace)::ServiceManager::readRdbFile (this=0x806b890, uri=..., 
optional=true) at /home/terry/lo_hacking/git/libo/cppuhelper/source/defaultbootstrap.cxx:1297
#12 0x008c1a3a in (anonymous namespace)::ServiceManager::readRdbs (this=0x806b890, uris=...) at 
#13 0x008be354 in (anonymous namespace)::ServiceManager::ServiceManager (this=0x806b890, 
rdbUris=...) at /home/terry/lo_hacking/git/libo/cppuhelper/source/defaultbootstrap.cxx:575
#14 0x008c6a3a in (anonymous namespace)::bootstrapComponentContext (typeRegistry=uno::Reference to 
{<com::sun::star::uno::XInterface> = {_vptr.XInterface = 0x43b4d48}, <No data fields>}, 
serviceUris=..., bootstrap=...) at 
#15 0x008c8563 in cppu::defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext (iniUri=...) at 
#16 0x008c86ac in cppu::defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext () at 
#17 0x0021b810 in desktop::Desktop::CreateApplicationServiceManager () at 
#18 0x001fd773 in desktop::Desktop::ensureProcessServiceFactory () at 
#19 0x001fbfb3 in desktop::Desktop::GetCommandLineArgs () at 
#20 0x0023cef8 in soffice_main () at 
#21 0x080485ec in sal_main () at /home/terry/lo_hacking/git/libo/desktop/source/app/main.c:34
#22 0x080485c0 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff044) at 


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