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[ cc-ing dev list here to notice people that there is a new episode
  coming of the famous developer interviews on TDF blog ! ]

Hi Marc,

Marc Paré wrote (18-05-12 15:30)
I was going to attempt to start with the devs who have contributed the
most to the project. Is there a way to get a list of ALL devs listed by
There must me some smart git-command that give you this :-)
But let me cc the developer list (*), so that people can step in themselves.

Maybe there are also suggestions, volunteers.
Also note that "contributed the most " does not necessarily have to match with interesting or whatever. (And what is 'most'? In time, number of commits, smart thinking, helping out others with questions and learning ;-) )
thanks !


* remember when mailing to the dev-list: do a reply-all, to keep the list address itself included
 - Cor


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