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It seems to me, that you contribute a lot of opinionated email,
and thus far no useful code. 

Well, my code base isn't ready for submission yet - I didn't really
have a chance to test it, because:

a) builds take so long (somewhere in scale of an hour)
b) latest master doesnt even compile - for several month now, 
   and I didnt find the time to fix it yet (working on that
   extremly large tree takes so much time waiting for the machine)
c) it's only a spare time project

Meanwhile, given the tone in the list, where even asking a few
questions is considered as disturbance or "confusion of newcomes"
(whatever that exactly means ;-o) I've completely dropped the whole
idea of pushing anything back.

I will now continue my trim-down project, without ever caring if
the changesets will ever fit into upstream, as you won't ever be
interested anyways. I don't work for you, I'm doing that just for fun.

If you wanna ban me now, just go on, I don't care anymore.



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