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On 04/23/2012 06:07 PM, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
Hi Daniel,

First of all, welcome aboard for GSoC 2012!  We are very excited to
have you work on Calc's performance improvement this summer.

According to the official GSoC timeline, we should spend the first
couple of weeks getting to know your mentors (which is, me and
Markus), read documentation, and get up to speed on your project.  I
assume that, since you've already worked on two easy hacks, you
already know how to build, hack, and submit patches using git enough
to get started.  If not, you are welcome to ask us for help.

I talked with Markus briefly, and we think that as a starter, we
should stay on the xlsx import code and make a few more improvements
there before moving on to other areas.  We have already covered the
named ranges import, and now we will shift our focus to cell value
import, and hopefully make it a bit faster than it currently is.  The
first thing we'd like you to do toward this goal is to create a test
xlsx document, and add it to our filters-test.  Markus knows more
about this filters-test framework, so I'll let him fill you in on the

Last but not least, can you give us a brief introduction of yourself
now that you are officially in? :-)

Looking forward to working with you this summer!


Hi, Kohei,

I am excited and grateful to be able to work on the GSOC Calc performance improvements project!

Yes, I have had the opportunity to speak to both you and Markus on different occasions in the past few weeks, and I'm glad to have you as my mentors. For documentation, I have been using a combination of,,,, grepping the code on my own file system, and sometimes miscellaneous other ways. I also have looked into your editor recommendation and your class diagram. Are there other recommendations for documentation other than these? Yes, I am comfortable building, hacking, and submitting patches using git. As I've stated before, I will be mostly busy with end of the semester school assignments and finals until the end of the first week of May. Even so, I will do what I can on LibreOffice related tasks.

As for the filters-test framework and test xslx document, I look forward to learning more.

An introduction of myself:
I am from Mississippi, USA and joined the United States Marine Corps upon graduating high school. I traveled to places in the USA like South Carolina, North Carolina, and California, but I spent the majority of my time in Okinawa, Japan. In the USMC, I performed many duties, but I was primarily the IT Support for my unit. I was Honorably Discharged after five years of service and came back to Mississippi. A year later, I started attending college to pursue my dream of becoming a software developer. I currently plan to graduate in December of this year with a BS in Software Engineering. Although I have yet to gain professional experience developing software, I have worked on several different programming assignments and software projects during my school course work, and I have experimented with software development outside of school. Inside and outside of school work, I have had the opportunity to use general development technologies such C, C++, Java, and Python and web development technologies such as HTML, CSS, jQuery, Java EE, and PHP. Once I obtain my degree, I aim to be employed as a full time software developer, and I am willing to relocate.

Once again, thank you, Kohei, Markus, and the LibreOffice community, for allowing me to work on LibreOffice as a part of this year's GSOC.

Daniel Bankston


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