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On 04/20/2012 12:42 AM, Tomas Hlavaty wrote:
1) Exceptions have message and context fields and there should be a
    constructor with arguments (java.lang.String m, java.lang.Object c)
    for those fields.  However, this doesn't seem to be applied

Where is this not applied consistently?

Also when an exception inherits, it should have a
    constructor with all fields for the super classes and itself.
    However, the context field is missing in such cases.  Is there some
    rule to this or is it arbitrary?

Looking at handleAggregatingType in codemaker/source/javamaker/javatype.cxx, for an exception three <init> methods (i.e., constructors) are generated, one with no parameters, one with just a String parameter (to be consistent with Java's overall Exception design), and one with parameters for all the (inherited and direct) members.

2) What is the meaning of 'published' in idl files?  It seems to be
    ignored in javamaker, or at least everything gets generated no matter
    what.  For example, there are enums or constants which are not marked
    as published but other public symbols depend on them.  Shouldn't
    those be public too then?

See slide 15 "Published Things" of the presentation <> "Here Come UNO, All Shiny and New" for a short description of "published" (more extensive documentation appears to be lost to the Internet).

That a published entity does not use unpublished entities is already checked by idlc, so the codemakers can ignore it.

3) What is the meaning of simgleton referring to service referring to
    interface?  In the example bellow, the BrowseNodeFactory service
    doesn't seem to be generated from idl files.  Should this service be
    bypassed and the singleton reffer directly to the interface?

Old-style singleton specifications are indeed somewhat obscure. The need for a service is due to old implementation/design artefacts. New-style singleton specifications directly specify the interface they support, without going any service detour:

  singleton theBrowseNodeFactory: XBrowseNodeFactory;



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