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On Wed, 2012-03-28 at 08:12 -0400, Marc-André Laverdière wrote:
My colleagues found out that the temp file is password-protected too,
so that part is fine.
But images inside the file are saved as temporary files too! Is there
something we can do about that?

        Sure - you could encrypt them too ;-)

        This ties into the massive mis-design of the image management code I
suspect; one of the fun problems is (I suspect) image sharing across
documents which is riddled with problems lifecycle-wise. Put another
way, paste an image across two documents, with different passwords and -
fun can happen :-)

        On the other hand, if the doc data is crypted, modulo the structural
problems, I don't see why images should not be similarly handled -
though it'll be some work.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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