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Jan Holesovsky wrote (3 april 2012 14:45)

The 'split button' is a derived SfxToolBoxControl which triggers an
Execute function when the colour is chosen from the colour palette and
triggers a virtual Select function when the left half of the button
(last used colour) is clicked. According to a comment in
/core/sfx2/inx/sfx2/tbxc.hxx (line 179-185) RegisterControl must be
used for extra functionality (such as the split button uses).

git grep advises that they are in the factory functions like
SwDLL::RegisterControls() in sw/source/ui/app/swmodule.cxx; so in the case
of the report designer, I'd call it somewhere where it is instantiated - one of
the create() methods listed in
reportdesign/source/ui/misc/rptuiservices.cxx, probably.

But haven't actually tried that - so please report back if this leads to a dead

Thank you for your help.
I am trying that, but haven't found the module pointer yet (in swmodule SwModule*) that needs to 
passed to RegisterControl(). Any ideas where to look for that?
And I intend to try first to put RegisterControl in 
reportdesign/source/ui/misc/toolboxcontroller.cxx, where the buttons are instantiated.



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