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I have recently removed from oowintool two checks that were looking for
a particular versions of SDK. The reason was that 1) if the SDK is not
registered with visual studio, our vsbuild.exe built external libraries
have problem and 2) The 6.1 that oowintool was looking for has the habit
to leave lingering registry keys even after being uninstalled, so it is
creating a mighty mess when the registry key points to something that is
actually not there.

oowintool looks now for the default SDK and if it does not find it, it
will fail. Better at the configure time then later in the build with
cryptic errors.



On 26/03/12 23:52, Lubos Lunak wrote:
On Monday 26 of March 2012, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 5:14 PM, Regina Henschel

<> wrote:
I have tried also with

I believe that configure option has been renamed to
--with-dotnet-framework-home.  E.g. I have

    --with-dotnet-framework-home="/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft

in my configure option.

No, that does not solve the problem, neither with
--with-dotnet-framework-home alone nor in combination with

Hmm..  Anyone else have any ideas?

 I think one thing that has changed relatively recently is that the SDK must 
be registered as default with Visual Studio (in the menu: Microsoft Windows 
SDK 7.1 -> Visual Studio Registration -> Windows SDK Configuration Tool).

 You can also have a look at to see what the check actually looks 


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