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Hi all,

Thorsten has corrected the handling of z in svg paths. This affects the arrowheads in the standard.soe palette too. Here is patch to adapt the m commands in the arrowheads to the new handling.

I have no current build in the moment. So please test the patch before you commit it.

Kind regards

From ed7e2baacfcfd1c656961bd9a81bc12af58fb250 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Regina Henschel <>
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2012 21:12:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Adapt arrowhead pathes to corrected svg path z hangling

 extras/source/palettes/standard.soe |    8 ++++----
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/extras/source/palettes/standard.soe b/extras/source/palettes/standard.soe
index 5a8acd9..4b576b1 100644
--- a/extras/source/palettes/standard.soe
+++ b/extras/source/palettes/standard.soe
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
   <draw:marker draw:name="Square 45" svg:viewBox="0 0 1131 1131" svg:d="m0 564 564 567 
567-567-567-564z" />
   <draw:marker draw:name="Arrow concave" svg:viewBox="0 0 1131 1580" svg:d="m1013 1491 118 
89-567-1580-564 1580 114-85 136-68 148-46 161-17 161 13 153 46z"></draw:marker>
   <draw:marker draw:name="Short line Arrow" svg:viewBox="0 0 3000 3000" svg:d="m1500 0 1500 
2789v211h-114l-1286-2392v2392h-200v-2392l-1286 2392h-114v-211z"></draw:marker>
-  <draw:marker draw:name="Triangle unfilled" svg:viewBox="0 0 3000 3000" svg:d="m1500 0 1500 
3000h-3000zm1500-2553-1176 2353h2353z"></draw:marker>
-  <draw:marker draw:name="Diamond unfilled" svg:viewBox="0 0 3000 6000" svg:d="m1500 0 1500 
3000-1500 3000-1500-3000zm1500-2553-1276 2553 1276 2553 1276-2553z"></draw:marker>
+  <draw:marker draw:name="Triangle unfilled" svg:viewBox="0 0 3000 3000" svg:d="m1500 0 1500 
3000h-3000zm0 447-1176 2353h2353z"></draw:marker>
+  <draw:marker draw:name="Diamond unfilled" svg:viewBox="0 0 3000 6000" svg:d="m1500 0 1500 
3000-1500 3000-1500-3000zm0 447-1276 2553 1276 2553 1276-2553z"></draw:marker>
   <draw:marker draw:name="Diamond" svg:viewBox="0 0 3000 6000" svg:d="m1500 0 1500 3000-1500 
   <draw:marker draw:name="Circle unfilled" svg:viewBox="0 0 3000 3000" svg:d="m1500 3000c-276 
0-511-63-750-201s-411-310-549-549-201-474-201-750 63-511 201-750 310-411 549-549 474-201 750-201 
511 63 750 201 411 310 549 549 201 474 201 750-63 511-201 750-310 411-549 549-474 201-750 
201zm0-200c-239 0-443-55-650-174s-356-269-476-476-174-411-174-650 55-443 174-650 269-356 
476-476c207-119 411-174 650-174s443 55 650 174c207 120 356 269 476 476s174 411 174 650-55 443-174 
650-269 356-476 476c-207 119-411 174-650 174z"></draw:marker>
-  <draw:marker draw:name="Square 45 unfilled" svg:viewBox="0 0 3000 3000" svg:d="m1500 
3000-1500-1500 1500-1500 1500 1500zm-1500 1215-1215-1215 1215-1215 1215 1215z"></draw:marker>
-  <draw:marker draw:name="Square unfilled" svg:viewBox="0 0 300 300" svg:d="m0 
+  <draw:marker draw:name="Square 45 unfilled" svg:viewBox="0 0 3000 3000" svg:d="m1500 
3000-1500-1500 1500-1500 1500 1500zm0-285 -1215-1215 1215-1215 1215 1215z"></draw:marker>
+  <draw:marker draw:name="Square unfilled" svg:viewBox="0 0 300 300" svg:d="m0 0h300v300h-300zm20 
   <draw:marker draw:name="Half Circle unfilled" svg:viewBox="0 0 15000 8746" svg:d="m14971 0c21 
229 29 423 29 653 0 690-79 1328-244 1943-165 614-416 1206-761 1804-345 597-733 1110-1183 1560-451 
450-964 837-1562 1182-598 345-1190 596-1806 760-600 161-1223 240-1894 
 0-230 8-424 29-653l298 26 299 26c-18 211-26 390-26 601 0 635 72 1222 224 1787 151 566 383 1110 700 
1659 318 550 674 1022 1088 1437 415 414 888 769 1438 1087 550 317 1095 548 1661 700 566 151 1154 
223 1789 223s1223-72 1789-223c566-152 1111-383 1661-700 550-318 1023-673 1438-1087 414-415 770-887 
1088-1437 317-549 549-1093 700-1659 152-565 224-1152 224-1787 0-211-8-390-26-601l299-26z" />
\ No newline at end of file


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