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no noticeable difference in either output.

the saxparser.rdb file that exists is attached.

It is supposed to be opening it read only, i'm not sure what the file
should contain as it's produced by the build process.



On 13 March 2012 07:42, Stephan Bergmann <> wrote:
On 03/12/2012 09:21 PM, Michael Stahl wrote:

On 12/03/12 15:09, Jonathan Adams wrote:

# truss output of the specific saxparser command:
( LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/sal/LibreOffice/libo/solver/unxsoli/lib"
truss -f /home/sal/LibreOffice/libo/solver/unxsoli/bin/saxparser af_NA

2>&1 )>  saxparser.log

so it opens

to file descriptor 3 successfully, closes it again, spawns a thread,
then opens the same file again to fd 3 succesfully, mmaps the file
succesfully, closes it again, then complains that it couldn't open a
registry file... that's rather odd.  perhaps the rdb file is broken or

Opening it twice is ok.  The code in SimpleRegistry::open
(stoc/source/simpleregistry/simpleregisty.cxx) first tries to open it as an
old style (binary) .rdb, and if that's the wrong format then opens it again
as new style (XML).  Looks like the XML parsing results in an exception
(that is then unfortunately labelled as "could not be open readonly" in an
outer level).

Please apply the below patch to see where parsing fails:

diff --git a/stoc/source/simpleregistry/textualservices.cxx
index 37540c8..baa88d4 100644
--- a/stoc/source/simpleregistry/textualservices.cxx
+++ b/stoc/source/simpleregistry/textualservices.cxx
@@ -1236,7 +1236,8 @@ TextualServices::TextualServices(rtl::OUString const
& uri):
    try {
        Parser(uri, data_);
-    } catch (css::container::NoSuchElementException &) {
+    } catch (css::container::NoSuchElementException &e) {
        throw css::registry::InvalidRegistryException(
            (uri +


Attachment: saxparser.rdb
Description: Binary data


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