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this time a brief summary of what happened during the 7th week in 2012
on LibreOffice repositories and the living branches:

        + master:            LO-3.5 development
        + libreoffice-3-5:   fixes for LO-3.5.1 bug fix release
        + libreoffice-3-4:   fixes for potential LO-3.4.6 bug fix release

There are two logs for each branch:

        + bugfixes-<branch>-week-<year>-<week>.txt lists all commits that reference a proper
          bug id from a variety of trackers, i.e. #i... referring to the OpenOffice
          issuezilla, fdo# to freedesktop, rhbz# to RedHat bugzilla

        + commit-log-<branch>-week-<year>-<week>.txt lists all relevant commits on the actual
          source repositories

Many thanks to all contributors - you make all the difference!

Best Regards,

+ components
    + fix crash in XML Form Document. (fdo#40261) [Jan Holesovsky]
    + fix crash when parsing XML signatures (fdo#39657) [Michael Stahl]
    + hidden radio button should also gets unset (fdo#43399) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
+ filters
    + handle imported picture attribute from MSO Dialog ( ) (fdo#45995) [Noel Power]
+ libs-core
    + fix crash when loading an invalid .fodt. (fdo#42771) [Jan Holesovsky]
+ libs-gui
    + fix support for embedded images for basic Dialogs ( ) (fdo#45992) [Noel Power]
    + resolved use proper Indian Rupee currency symbol U+20B9 (rhbz#794679) [Eike Rathke]
+ writer
    + cleaning up the tabs too early can cause loops (fdo#45908) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
    + rename members to track down assignments (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: fix crash in layout frame linked lists: (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: remove superfluous flag: (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
+ core
    + accessibility does not work on WNT (fdo#45530) [Masataka Shinke]
    + always use the *real* visibility of the SwScrollbar (fdo#30788) [Ivan Timofeev]
    + cleaning up the tabs too early can cause loops (fdo#45908) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
    + declare support for Core SQL -> Base allows user aggregate functions (fdo#45249) [Lionel Elie 
    + don't use empty pages fo computing the page break position (fdo#45748) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
    + ensure formula cell's pCode isn't NULL even when compilation fails. (fdo#45916) [Kohei 
    + fix - accessing empty polygon. (fdo#45779) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + fix - avoid linked undo for the while. (fdo#45177) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + fix - disable cairocanvas on Mac. (fdo#45584) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + fix RTF export table output for subtables (bnc#203704) [Miklos Vajna]
    + fix RTF import of page breaks right before text frames (bnc#703032) [Miklos Vajna]
    + fix RTF import of space-before/after tokens (fdo#45553) [Miklos Vajna]
    + fix RTF import of text frames with exact height (bnc#695479) [Miklos Vajna]
    + fix crash in XML Form Document. (fdo#40261) [Jan Holesovsky]
    + fix crash in smartart import (bnc#736495) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + fix crash when loading an invalid .fodt. (fdo#42771) [Jan Holesovsky]
    + fix crash when parsing XML signatures (fdo#39657) [Michael Stahl]
    + fix layout of checkboxes on Extension Manager dialog (fdo#45851) [Tomcsik Bence]
    + fix path of shell extension dll in registry (fdo#46167) [Andras Timar]
    + fix support for embedded images for basic Dialogs ( ) (fdo#45992) [Noel Power]
    + handle imported picture attribute from MSO Dialog ( ) (fdo#45995) [Noel Power]
    + header/Footer, Page Break: don't show them in RO mode (fdo#45548) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
    + hidden radio button should also gets unset (fdo#43399) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + remove properties when removing empty fly frame (bnc#695479) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
    + rename members to track down assignments (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
    + resolved use proper Indian Rupee currency symbol U+20B9 (rhbz#794679) [Eike Rathke]
    + resolves Adapt SDK to changed paths in LO installation (rhbz#789622) [Stephan Bergmann]
    + scp2: java accessibilty bridge cleanup: (fdo#45530) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: fix crash in layout frame linked lists: (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: remove superfluous flag: (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
    + use CJKAnalyzer for ko, zh-CN, and zh-TW, too (fdo#40665) [Andras Timar]
    + wrong size of 'Remove watch' button at Basic IDE. (fdo#44237) [Tomcsik Bence]
+ core
    + accept an arbitrary query for INSERT (fdo#46206) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + accessibility does not work on WNT (fdo#45530) [Masataka Shinke]
    + accessibleTreeNode: fix headless crash (#2, #1, #15, #4, #12, #11, #5, #10, #0, #7, #16, #8, 
#13, #9, #14, #6, #3) [Michael Stahl]
    + add testRefresh to ScDatabaseRangeObj, related (fdo#44167) [Markus Mohrhard]
    + allow copying of adjacent cells via Fill Down/Up/Left/Right. (fdo#46070) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + convert bound values to bound column's type (fdo#46163) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + don't use empty pages fo computing the page break position (fdo#45748) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
    + ensure formula cell's pCode isn't NULL even when compilation fails. (fdo#45916) [Kohei 
    + fix - accessing empty polygon. (fdo#45779) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + fix - avoid linked undo for the while. (fdo#45177) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + fix - disable cairocanvas on Mac. (fdo#45584) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + fix RTF import of ms932-encoded characters (fdo#45543) [Miklos Vajna]
    + fix RTF import of text frames with exact height (bnc#695479) [Miklos Vajna]
    + fix anchor handling in SwXText::convertToTextFrame() (bnc#695479) [Miklos Vajna]
    + fix crash in smartart import (bnc#736495) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + fix crash when parsing XML signatures (fdo#39657) [Michael Stahl]
    + fix layout of checkboxes on Extension Manager dialog (fdo#45851) [Tomcsik Bence]
    + fix path of shell extension dll in registry (fdo#46167) [Andras Timar]
    + fix support for embedded images for basic Dialogs ( ) (fdo#45992) [Noel Power]
    + fix yet more layout crashes in ~SwRootFrm: (i#101776, fdo#39510) [Michael Stahl]
    + handle imported picture attribute from MSO Dialog ( ) (fdo#45995) [Noel Power]
    + header/Footer, Page Break: don't show them in RO mode (fdo#45548) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
    + hidden radio button should also gets unset (fdo#43399) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + improved label/BC wizard - set paper size (fdo#44516) [Winfried Donkers]
    + move SvListView from Table to ptr_map, related (fdo#45679) [Markus Mohrhard]
    + nULL is a perfectly fine general_value (fdo#46198) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + recent Documents not updated by Save & Save As (fdo#37775) [Muhammad Haggag]
    + remove properties when removing empty fly frame (bnc#695479) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
    + rename members to track down assignments (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
    + resolved use proper Indian Rupee currency symbol U+20B9 (rhbz#794679) [Eike Rathke]
    + resolves Adapt SDK to changed paths in LO installation (rhbz#789622) [Stephan Bergmann]
    + resoves duplicated .pfb without duplicated .afm drops font (fdo#42901) [Caolán McNamara]
    + scp2: java accessibilty bridge cleanup: (fdo#45530) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: fix crash in layout frame linked lists: (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: remove superfluous flag: (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: ww8: ~SwIndexReg assertion: (i#87910, fdo#39006) [Michael Stahl]
    + testcase for (fdo#45543) [Miklos Vajna]
    + use CJKAnalyzer for ko, zh-CN, and zh-TW, too (fdo#40665) [Andras Timar]
    + use stream name for module names when importing vba. & (bnc#747323, fdo#46151) [Noel Power]
    + wrong size of 'Remove watch' button at Basic IDE. (fdo#44237) [Tomcsik Bence]
+ components
    + fix crash in XML Form Document. (fdo#40261) [Jan Holesovsky]
    + fix crash when parsing XML signatures (fdo#39657) [Michael Stahl]
    + hidden radio button should also gets unset (fdo#43399) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
+ filters
    + handle imported picture attribute from MSO Dialog ( ) (fdo#45995) [Noel Power]
+ libs-core
    + default shortcut for .uno:SearchDialog should be Ctrl+H [Andras Timar]
    + fix crash when loading an invalid .fodt. (fdo#42771) [Jan Holesovsky]
    + odbc 64 bit crash: correct buffer length allocation for a SQLLEN [Lionel Elie Mamane]
+ libs-gui
    + fix support for embedded images for basic Dialogs ( ) (fdo#45992) [Noel Power]
    + resolved use proper Indian Rupee currency symbol U+20B9 (rhbz#794679) [Eike Rathke]
+ writer
    + cleaning up the tabs too early can cause loops (fdo#45908) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
    + rename members to track down assignments (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: fix crash in layout frame linked lists: (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: remove superfluous flag: (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
+ binfilter
    + fix some apparent misuses of RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM [Stephan Bergmann]
+ core
    + accessibility does not work on WNT (fdo#45530) [Masataka Shinke]
    + always use the *real* visibility of the SwScrollbar (fdo#30788) [Ivan Timofeev]
    + apply master fix 2dd1722d2729f0d6cda6e31297f3e03ae36c555f [Julien Nabet]
    + char* -> const char* for npapis getMIMEDescription to fix build with newer mozs [Rene 
    + clean up work around spurious warning about missing JRE [Stephan Bergmann]
    + cleaning up the tabs too early can cause loops (fdo#45908) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
    + copy the gcc's stdlibs to solver even if not packaging them [Fridrich Štrba]
    + correct documentation of com::sun::star::sdbc::XDatabaseMetaData [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + declare support for Core SQL -> Base allows user aggregate functions (fdo#45249) [Lionel Elie 
    + disable JRE warnings during help compilation on first start [Michael Meeks]
    + don't use empty pages fo computing the page break position (fdo#45748) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
    + ensure formula cell's pCode isn't NULL even when compilation fails. (fdo#45916) [Kohei 
    + fix - accessing empty polygon. (fdo#45779) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + fix - avoid linked undo for the while. (fdo#45177) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + fix - disable cairocanvas on Mac. (fdo#45584) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + fix FullCommentURL for grammar checking (local menu) [László Németh]
    + fix MinGW build [Matúš Kukan]
    + fix RTF export table output for subtables (bnc#203704) [Miklos Vajna]
    + fix RTF import of page breaks right before text frames (bnc#703032) [Miklos Vajna]
    + fix RTF import of space-before/after tokens (fdo#45553) [Miklos Vajna]
    + fix RTF import of text frames with exact height (bnc#695479) [Miklos Vajna]
    + fix Windows build. [Jan Holesovsky]
    + fix build on Windows [Andras Timar]
    + fix crash in XML Form Document. (fdo#40261) [Jan Holesovsky]
    + fix crash in smartart import (bnc#736495) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + fix crash when loading an invalid .fodt. (fdo#42771) [Jan Holesovsky]
    + fix crash when parsing XML signatures (fdo#39657) [Michael Stahl]
    + fix icu build on arm [Rene Engelhard]
    + fix layout of checkboxes on Extension Manager dialog (fdo#45851) [Tomcsik Bence]
    + fix path of shell extension dll in registry (fdo#46167) [Andras Timar]
    + fix some apparent misuses of RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM [Stephan Bergmann]
    + fix support for embedded images for basic Dialogs ( ) (fdo#45992) [Noel Power]
    + fix windows build, gengal.bin should be gengal.exe there according to scp2 [Caolán McNamara]
    + fixed wrong mapping to log level from postgresql-sdbc.ini [Takeshi Abe]
    + gbuild: don't build unregistered exes [Michael Stahl]
    + handle imported picture attribute from MSO Dialog ( ) (fdo#45995) [Noel Power]
    + header/Footer, Page Break: don't show them in RO mode (fdo#45548) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
    + header/Footer: don't show in web layout mode [Ivan Timofeev]
    + hidden radio button should also gets unset (fdo#43399) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + improve check for broken -fthreadsafe-statics [Stephan Bergmann]
    + java: add STOC_FORCE_NO_JRE env. var to enable easy testing of no-JRE case. [Michael Meeks]
    + make gengal work again [Rene Engelhard]
    + oS_FOR_BUILD is not right do decide Host module name [Norbert Thiebaud]
    + odbc 64 bit crash: correct buffer length allocation for a SQLLEN [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + pgsql getColumns: order by columns, not by their concatenation... [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + postgres getColumns: skip dropped columns, make ORDINAL_POSITION consecutive [Lionel Elie 
    + put LibreOffice (start center) to Win7 Start menu instead of Base [Andras Timar]
    + reintroduce wrapper around [Stephan Bergmann]
    + remove properties when removing empty fly frame (bnc#695479) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
    + rename members to track down assignments (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
    + resolved use proper Indian Rupee currency symbol U+20B9 (rhbz#794679) [Eike Rathke]
    + resolves Adapt SDK to changed paths in LO installation (rhbz#789622) [Stephan Bergmann]
    + scp2: java accessibilty bridge cleanup: (fdo#45530) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: fix crash in layout frame linked lists: (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: remove superfluous flag: (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
    + unsigned int->sal_uInt32 [Caolán McNamara]
    + uploading new release of libvisio [Fridrich Štrba]
    + use CJKAnalyzer for ko, zh-CN, and zh-TW, too (fdo#40665) [Andras Timar]
    + use bzip2 compression for dmg [Norbert Thiebaud]
    + use icu's breakiterator for Thai, not our customized generic rules [Caolán McNamara]
    + waE: add horror cast to calm Stephan's tinderbox [Michael Meeks]
    + waE: add horror cast to calm Windows tinderbox [Michael Meeks]
    + wrong size of 'Remove watch' button at Basic IDE. (fdo#44237) [Tomcsik Bence]
+ dictionaries
    + enable localization of Lightproof extensions [Andras Timar]
+ help
    + inserting tables: both toolbars are possible [Stanislav Horacek]
    + move decimal places option to appropriate paragraph [Stanislav Horacek]
    + remove unused large handles option [Stanislav Horacek]
    + replace StarOffice by OpenOffice as in UI [Stanislav Horacek]
    + tables and drawings are not in print options [Stanislav Horacek]
+ translations
    + update translations for LibreOffice 3.5.1 rc1 [Andras Timar]
+ binfilter
    + adapt hidden windows-only uses of toLower [Caolán McNamara]
    + adapted to string function clean up [Stephan Bergmann]
    + binfilter: fix insta-crash string constructors [Michael Stahl]
    + binfilter::TimeStamp::Load: fix date/time on LP64 platform regression [Michael Stahl]
    + binfilter::XColorItem::GetValue: null pointer crash [Michael Stahl]
    + binfilter::frm::OInterfaceContainer::disposing: fix boost assertion [Michael Stahl]
    + ditch extra ByteString code [Caolán McNamara]
    + drop InitStringRes [Caolán McNamara]
    + fix windows ambiguities post binfilter-string move [Caolán McNamara]
    + fix windows build [Caolán McNamara]
    + lock in those ByteString gains so there's no back-sliding [Caolán McNamara]
    + reduce warnings spew [Caolán McNamara]
    + remove GetReleaseFromCache [Thomas Arnhold]
    + sync up post ByteString reduction [Caolán McNamara]
    + waE: can't return a temp, pTable is always null, lets just return aColor [Caolán McNamara]
    + waE: need a virtual dtor [Caolán McNamara]
+ core
    + "in_list_end" never read, let's drop it [Julien Nabet]
    + -Werror in dmake modules went missing [Caolán McNamara]
    + -Wundef [Stephan Bergmann]
    + is gone [David Tardon]
    + aRM bridge: VFP ABI (armhf) support [Jani Monoses]
    + accept an arbitrary query for INSERT (fdo#46206) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + accessibility does not work on WNT (fdo#45530) [Masataka Shinke]
    + accessibleTreeNode: fix headless crash (#2, #1, #15, #4, #12, #11, #5, #10, #0, #7, #16, #8, 
#13, #9, #14, #6, #3) [Michael Stahl]
    + adapt ScDataPilotTableObj test to XDataPilotTable2 changes [Markus Mohrhard]
    + adapt wrapper to Python 3 support [Stephan Bergmann]
    + add Emacs mode line [Tor Lillqvist]
    + add XCellRangeReferrer test to ScRangeNameObj [Markus Mohrhard]
    + add XNamed test to ScNamedRange [Markus Mohrhard]
    + add a test case that allows testing of sw's Layout code [Markus Mohrhard]
    + add a unit test to demo broken thai word-boundary detection [Caolán McNamara]
    + add a uno test api with more than 8 floating point args [Caolán McNamara]
    + add check for xmllint [Caolán McNamara]
    + add comment wondering why this loadFile() isn't in osl [Tor Lillqvist]
    + add configmgr to tail_build [Matúš Kukan]
    + add configmgr, ucb1, ucpfile1, xcr to libmerged [Matúš Kukan]
    + add fw* and sfx to libmerged [Tor Lillqvist]
    + add gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs_native [Matus Kukan]
    + add macro for extracting mingw dll names from libtool files [David Tardon]
    + add missing $ [Matúš Kukan]
    + add missing file [Markus Mohrhard]
    + add missing quotes [David Tardon]
    + add northern-thai example [Caolán McNamara]
    + add sb to libmerged [Tor Lillqvist]
    + add svt and tk to libmerged [Tor Lillqvist]
    + add test code for XCellRangeData [Markus Mohrhard]
    + add test for ScCellRangeObj::setDataArray and getDataArray [Markus Mohrhard]
    + add test for XCellRangeReferrer [Markus Mohrhard]
    + add testRefresh to ScDatabaseRangeObj, related (fdo#44167) [Markus Mohrhard]
    + add testRefresh to XDatabaseRange [Markus Mohrhard]
    + add tests for installer::sorter [Tim Retout]
    + add two more test cases to XDatabaseRange [Markus Mohrhard]
    + added READMEs for some library modules which didn't have them [Josh Heidenreich]
    + added [fr-CH] date acceptance patterns "D/M" and "D.M." [Eike Rathke]
    + addexes dir seems useless [Caolán McNamara]
    + allow copying of adjacent cells via Fill Down/Up/Left/Right. (fdo#46070) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + allow java 1.7, or any future version [Caolán McNamara]
    + allow to suppress -Werror per link target [David Tardon]
    + allow unsetting database settings without warnings [Caolán McNamara]
    + allow using system boost in cross-compilation build [David Tardon]
    + allow using system cppunit in cross-compilation build [David Tardon]
    + allow using system db in cross-compilation build [David Tardon]
    + allow using system expat in cross-compilation build [David Tardon]
    + allow using system icu in cross-compilation build [David Tardon]
    + allow using system libxml in cross-compilation build [David Tardon]
    + always use the *real* visibility of the SwScrollbar [Ivan Timofeev]
    + android: prune missing libraries from install list [Michael Meeks]
    + apparently this is required on Linux - re-enable it. [Michael Meeks]
    + auto_ptr to scoped_ptr. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + avoid hardcoded dll names [David Tardon]
    + avoid unnecessary auto_ptr [Matteo Casalin]
    + avoid using installer::parameter in installer::ziplist [Tim Retout]
    + better Galaxy icon for Remove Watchpoint in Basic IDE [Andras Timar]
    + bin obsolete comment [Tor Lillqvist]
    + build unoexe as a (static) library for iOS [Tor Lillqvist]
    + build_env is obsolete now [Norbert Thiebaud]
    + byteString->rtl::OString [Caolán McNamara]
    + callcatcher: regenerate list [Caolán McNamara]
    + callcatcher: update list [Caolán McNamara]
    + callcatcher: update unused code list [Caolán McNamara]
    + can use a reference for singleton [Caolán McNamara]
    + catched -> caught [Caolán McNamara]
    + changed [et-EE] single quotation marks to be such [Eike Rathke]
    + char* -> const char* for npapis getMIMEDescription to fix build with newer mozs [Rene 
    + clang -Wconstant-conversion. [Stephan Bergmann]
    + clean up AsyncEventNotifier interface [Stephan Bergmann]
    + clean up logic [Mariusz Dykierek]
    + clean up work around spurious warning about missing JRE [Stephan Bergmann]
    + cleanup inludes [Matteo Casalin]
    + cleanup namedlg.cxx [Markus Mohrhard]
    + cleanup: auto_ptr uses as a plain scope guard. [Thorsten Behrens]
    + cleanup: remove remenants of gcc version checking [Michael Meeks]
    + comphelper: add getINT64 [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + complete the XDataPilotTable2 tests [Markus Mohrhard]
    + component file moved [David Tardon]
    + configure: also, --with-lang=en-US should not trigger TRANSLATIONS build type [Miklos Vajna]
    + configure: no need to fetch the translations repo for --with-lang=en-US [Miklos Vajna]
    + convert bound values to bound column's type (fdo#46163) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + convert tools/table.hxx in editeng/forbiddencharacterstable.hxx to std::map [Noel Grandin]
    + copy the gcc's stdlibs to solver even if not packaging them [Fridrich Štrba]
    + correct documentation of com::sun::star::sdbc::XDatabaseMetaData [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + correct indentation [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + correctly set pivot's popup flag when importing from Excel docs. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + dbaccess' macros_test is still failing in some situations [Markus Mohrhard]
    + disable JRE warnings during help compilation on first start [Michael Meeks]
    + disable new test on win and mac since it is a test with UI [Markus Mohrhard]
    + disabled officecfg unittest due to dependencies problems [Norbert Thiebaud]
    + do not hardcode mingw path [David Tardon]
    + do not hide patch-related file (.orig .rej) [Norbert Thiebaud]
    + do not remove the destdir prefix in any case [Stephan Bergmann]
    + do try to use ccache even if CC/CXX are set [Tor Lillqvist]
    + don't bother with a separate libsal_textenc when merging libs [Tor Lillqvist]
    + don't use empty pages fo computing the page break position (fdo#45748) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
    + drop Z_PREFIX from internal zlib, makes building clucene much easier [Caolán McNamara]
    + duplicate #include [Stephan Bergmann]
    + easyHack 42790: get rid of PRODUCT [Laurent Balland-Poirier]
    + easyHack: Removed gcc conditionals [Alexander Bergmann]
    + enable XDatabaseRangeTest again [Markus Mohrhard]
    + ensure formula cell's pCode isn't NULL even when compilation fails. (fdo#45916) [Kohei 
    + entirely unused UnoMemoryStream class [Caolán McNamara]
    + expect sed has already been detected [David Tardon]
    + extensions: plugin: UNX: don't crash headless [Michael Stahl]
    + extensions: plugin: assertion from OUString::copy [Michael Stahl]
    + filter configuration: add MSO 2007 XML mimetypes [Michael Stahl]
    + filter configuration: add some OOo XML/ODF mimetypes [Michael Stahl]
    + filter configuration: add some mimetype [Michael Stahl]
    + finish initial work on the Base test [Markus Mohrhard]
    + first cut at building an internal clucene [Caolán McNamara]
    + fix "never read" reported by clang [Julien Nabet]
    + fix "pEncryptedData" not initialized [Julien Nabet]
    + fix - accessing empty polygon. (fdo#45779) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + fix - avoid linked undo for the while. (fdo#45177) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + fix - disable cairocanvas on Mac. (fdo#45584) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + fix MinGW build [Matúš Kukan]
    + fix RTF import of ffres token for checkboxes [Miklos Vajna]
    + fix RTF import of ms932-encoded characters (fdo#45543) [Miklos Vajna]
    + fix RTF import of text frames with exact height (bnc#695479) [Miklos Vajna]
    + fix a bug found with cclang [Julien Nabet]
    + fix anchor handling in SwXText::convertToTextFrame() (bnc#695479) [Miklos Vajna]
    + fix armel/armv4t build [Rene Engelhard]
    + fix build [Ivan Timofeev]
    + fix build, WANT_X11 is a variable [Caolán McNamara]
    + fix call delete twice on the same variable [Julien Nabet]
    + fix copy&paste error [Markus Mohrhard]
    + fix crash in smartart import (bnc#736495) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + fix crash when parsing XML signatures (fdo#39657) [Michael Stahl]
    + fix handling of component files in mergelibs mode [Matúš Kukan]
    + fix icu build on arm [Rene Engelhard]
    + fix int/sal_Int32 ambiguity [Tor Lillqvist]
    + fix layout of checkboxes on Extension Manager dialog (fdo#45851) [Tomcsik Bence]
    + fix libvisio's [Fridrich Štrba]
    + fix mingw build of mythes with system hunspell [David Tardon]
    + fix path of shell extension dll in registry (fdo#46167) [Andras Timar]
    + fix recognition of ccache in $CC and/or $CXX [Tor Lillqvist]
    + fix some translation oversights [Stefan Knorr (astron)]
    + fix support for embedded images for basic Dialogs ( ) (fdo#45992) [Noel Power]
    + fix typos in comments [Elton Chung]
    + fix up const malformed copy ctors and operator= [Caolán McNamara]
    + fix windows build, String::GetTokenCount is gone [Caolán McNamara]
    + fix windows build, gengal.bin should be gengal.exe there according to scp2 [Caolán McNamara]
    + fix yet more layout crashes in ~SwRootFrm: (i#101776, fdo#39510) [Michael Stahl]
    + fixed ODS import filter to correctly identify data layout dimension. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + fixed some more apparent misuses of RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM [Stephan Bergmann]
    + forgot to drop the merged fw* and sfx libs from here [Tor Lillqvist]
    + forgotten German word in translated comment [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + framework: remove unused timemeasure.hxx [Thomas Arnhold]
    + gbuild'ize smoketest(oo_native) and merge them [Matúš Kukan]
    + gbuild: Jar: fix building .jars on Windows [Matus Kukan]
    + gbuild: Zip: allow to add command line options when zipping [Matúš Kukan]
    + gbuild: Zip: clean properly all created targets on 'make clean' [Matúš Kukan]
    + gbuild: add gb_CppunitTest_abort_on_assertion for smoketest [Matúš Kukan]
    + get clucene building under windows-msvc [Caolán McNamara]
    + get rid of size() == 0 [Elton Chung]
    + get sc to build once again with debug=true. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + get-bugzilla-attachments-by-mimetype: add retry: [Michael Stahl]
    + get-bugzilla-attachments-by-mimetype: deduplicate [Michael Stahl]
    + get-bugzilla-attachments-by-mimetype: don't do images: [Michael Stahl]
    + get-bugzilla-attachments-by-mimetype: fix it [Michael Stahl]
    + get-bugzilla-attachments-by-mimetype: more mimetypes [Michael Stahl]
    + give copy ctor a conventional signature [Caolán McNamara]
    + handle imported picture attribute from MSO Dialog ( ) (fdo#45995) [Noel Power]
    + handle painting of data layout dimension button correctly during refresh. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + header/Footer, Page Break: don't show them in RO mode (fdo#45548) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
    + header/Footer: don't show in web layout mode [Ivan Timofeev]
    + hidden radio button should also gets unset (fdo#43399) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + i can't see the point of these masses of vcl settings which go nowhere [Caolán McNamara]
    + ifdefify temporary (?) Android hacks [Tor Lillqvist]
    + improve (?) explanation [Tor Lillqvist]
    + improve OTools::binParameter/bindData interaction [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + improve check for broken -fthreadsafe-statics [Stephan Bergmann]
    + improved label/BC wizard - set paper size (fdo#44516) [Winfried Donkers]
    + improvment of Custom Sheet Prefix Option [Albert Thuswaldner]
    + inline and remove installer::sorter [Tim Retout]
    + inline and simplify installer::sorter::sort_array_of_hashes_numerically. [Tim Retout]
    + installer::logger: Remove temporary variable. [Tim Retout]
    + integrate Josh Heidenreich's nice README parser as start page. [Thorsten Behrens]
    + introduce headless switch for X / cairo / toolkit less build [Riccardo Magliocchetti]
    + it's safer to run one job at a time in instsetoo_native on Windows [Matúš Kukan]
    + java: add STOC_FORCE_NO_JRE env. var to enable easy testing of no-JRE case. [Michael Meeks]
    + jvmfwk: these are also linked_libs [Matus Kukan]
    + l10ntools now only depends on sal and externals [Stephan Bergmann]
    + let src.downloaded not depend on phony target to avoid re-creating each time [Matúš Kukan]
    + libjvmfwk is needed even when building without java [David Tardon]
    + link with gb_STDLIBS here, too [Tor Lillqvist]
    + lock in those ByteString gains so there's no back-sliding [Caolán McNamara]
    + make avmedia module buildable with dbglevel=3 again. [Thorsten Behrens]
    + make build a pre-req of deliver [Miklos Vajna]
    + make code exploiting -fthreadsafe-statics properly conditional [Stephan Bergmann]
    + make connectivity ByteString free [Caolán McNamara]
    + make filters module buildable with dbglevel=3 again. [Thorsten Behrens]
    + make gengal work again [Rene Engelhard]
    + make jurt JunitTests work [Stephan Bergmann]
    + make l10ntools module buildable with dbglevel=3 again. [Thorsten Behrens]
    + make ridljar JunitTests work [Stephan Bergmann]
    + make simplified configuration API available down in comphelper [Stephan Bergmann]
    + make sure spawned thread is joined again [Stephan Bergmann]
    + make the return statement more visible [Ivan Timofeev]
    + makefile: adapt to gbuild'ized smoketest, create target for installing [Matúš Kukan]
    + makefile: don't build everything twice on "make check" [Michael Stahl]
    + manual override of ATToolSupport is a windows-only feature [Caolán McNamara]
    + mark cppunit patch as upstreamed [Stephan Bergmann]
    + mark parameter as unused [David Tardon]
    + merge sal_textenc into sal just on Android [Tor Lillqvist]
    + merge: 00e26ba 1443908 [David Tardon]
    + merge: bc7110a 71fb61b [Tor Lillqvist]
    + method should be public [Caolán McNamara]
    + missing return [Stephan Bergmann]
    + missing return statement [Stephan Bergmann]
    + more String to rtl::OUString conversion while I'm at it. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + more, boolean-related cleanup. Removed unused data members. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + move ABORT_ON_ASSERTION from smoketest to smoketestoo_native [Caolán McNamara]
    + move CVER traces (sunpro compiler) [Thomas Arnhold]
    + move SvListView from Table to ptr_map, related (fdo#45679) [Markus Mohrhard]
    + move all jurt JunitTests back to subsequentcheck for now [Stephan Bergmann]
    + move global starttime into installer::logger [Tim Retout]
    + move it down a bit, to hopefully get Norbert's Mac tinderbox to build. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + moved configmgr/source/README into configmgr/README [Stephan Bergmann]
    + n744503: Importing useBgFill colors for shapes. [Muthu Subramanian]
    + n744510: Improved 'vert' text imports. [Muthu Subramanian]
    + nULL is a perfectly fine general_value (fdo#46198) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + need also [Tor Lillqvist]
    + need libdatelo [Tor Lillqvist]
    + need [Tor Lillqvist]
    + need libsal_textenc [Tor Lillqvist]
    + need [Tor Lillqvist]
    + new[] already allocates each element of the array [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + no SUN dependencies anymore [Stephan Bergmann]
    + np_sdk: remove unused macros [Thomas Arnhold]
    + oDBC: align *all* the handling of SQLULEN properties with maximal ODBC size [Lionel Elie 
    + oRowSetValue::setTypeKind: correctly convert to (C)LOB/OBJECT/OTHER [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + odbc 64 bit crash: correct buffer length allocation for a SQLLEN [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + odbc getTableTypes: ask the driver instead of guessing [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + odk: remove some dead makefile code [Thomas Arnhold]
    + offapi: remove obsolete XInplaceLayout [Thomas Arnhold]
    + pLASMA_NOW fix [Stephan Bergmann]
    + packimages: convert to gbuild [Matúš Kukan]
    + partial revert of unused code removal, and add LINUX guards [Michael Meeks]
    + pass --without-java to configure for build platform [David Tardon]
    + pass JunitTest jar deps to underlying JavaClassSet [Stephan Bergmann]
    + plural right after all [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + pngread: remove some unused defines [Thomas Arnhold]
    + possible inefficient checking for 'm_EventList' emptiness. [Mariusz Dykierek]
    + possible inefficient checking for emptiness [Mariusz Dykierek]
    + prefer equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("...")) [Takeshi Abe]
    + preserve timestamps for .py files [Caolán McNamara]
    + prevent misuses of RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM [Stephan Bergmann]
    + put LibreOffice (start center) to Win7 Start menu instead of Base [Andras Timar]
    + pyuno: decreaseRefCount: valgrind warning: [Michael Stahl]
    + recent Documents not updated by Save & Save As (fdo#37775) [Muhammad Haggag]
    + recommend to use NDK r7b [Tor Lillqvist]
    + reduce verbiage slightly [Tor Lillqvist]
    + registry: remove obsolete methods [Thomas Arnhold]
    + registry: remove symbols from map file [Thomas Arnhold]
    + removal of was reverted later... [David Tardon]
    + remove CVER traces [Thomas Arnhold]
    + remove ScNamedRangeObj from java based tests [Markus Mohrhard]
    + remove accidental comment [Thorsten Behrens]
    + remove adabas/adabasui [Caolán McNamara]
    + remove dodgy header-guards [Caolán McNamara]
    + remove duplicated assignment [David Tardon]
    + remove extraneous qualifiers that break some compilers [Mariusz Dykierek]
    + remove gaps in options and reduce by two [Caolán McNamara]
    + remove gcc2 traces [Thomas Arnhold]
    + remove hideous plasma debugging bits from android branch [Michael Meeks]
    + remove installer debug logging. [Tim Retout]
    + remove installer::existence. [Tim Retout]
    + remove installer::existence::exists_in_array. [Tim Retout]
    + remove installer::existence::exists_in_array_of_hashes. [Tim Retout]
    + remove installer::existence::get_specified_file. [Tim Retout]
    + remove installer::existence::get_specified_file_by_name. [Tim Retout]
    + remove trailing white spaces [Yifan J]
    + remove packager::existence, and clean up packager::work. [Tim Retout]
    + remove properties when removing empty fly frame (bnc#695479) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
    + remove some more outdated sunpro traces [Thomas Arnhold]
    + remove some more tests from the java based tests [Markus Mohrhard]
    + remove some unused windows code [Thomas Arnhold]
    + remove std::auto_ptr in favor of boost::scoped_ptr. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + remove sunpro 5.0 handling [Thomas Arnhold]
    + remove the function declatation as well [Ivan Timofeev]
    + remove unapplied patches [Caolán McNamara]
    + remove unnecessary header files [Matteo Casalin]
    + remove unnecessary sorting subroutines. [Tim Retout]
    + remove unnecessary variable [Jani Monoses]
    + remove unreferenced subroutines from installer::logger [Tim Retout]
    + remove unused checksum subs from installer::worker [Tim Retout]
    + remove unused code [Petr Vorel, Elton Chung]
    + remove unused code from connectivity::odbc::OPreparedStatement [Kate Goss]
    + remove unused code in SvxSearchDialog [Santiago Martinez]
    + remove unused code in XMLSignatureHelper [Catalin Iacob]
    + remove unused code in XMLTextImportHelper [Catalin Iacob]
    + remove unused code in XMLTextListAutoStylePool. [Santiago Martinez]
    + remove unused code in XSecController [Catalin Iacob]
    + remove unused code in XclExpName [Santiago Martinez]
    + remove unused code in XclRoot. [Santiago Martinez]
    + remove unused code in core/svx/source/dialog/_contdlg.cxx [Björgvin Ragnarsson]
    + remove unused code. [Santiago Martinez, Petr Vorel]
    + remove unused fields [Ivan Timofeev]
    + remove unused install_sets subs from installer::worker [Tim Retout]
    + remove unused md5sum subs from installer::download [Tim Retout]
    + remove unused par2script::existence. [Tim Retout]
    + remove unused pdfi::DrawXmlEmitter::GetBreakIterator() [Kate Goss]
    + remove unused pdfi::PDFIProcessor::sortDocument(bool) [Kate Goss]
    + remove unused pdfi::PDFIRawAdaptor::odfConvert [Kate Goss]
    + remove unused pre2par::existence. [Tim Retout]
    + remove unused pre2par::parameter::make_path_absolute [Tim Retout]
    + remove unused save_logfile_after_linking from installer::worker [Tim Retout]
    + remove unused solaris subs from installer::worker [Tim Retout]
    + remove unused unpack_all_targzfiles_in_directory from installer::worker [Tim Retout]
    + remove unused variable [David Tardon]
    + removed SetProperty and StartElement method of MSFilterTracer. [Szabolcs Dezsi]
    + removed code that's no longer relevant. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + removed the incorrect assumption about the data layout field. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + removed unused code from avmedia. [elbarto]
    + removed unused code from cppcanvas [Szabolcs Dezsi]
    + removed unused code from drawinlayer [Szabolcs Dezsi]
    + removed unused code from svl and sfx2 [Szabolcs Dezsi]
    + removed unused code from vcl module [Szabolcs Dezsi]
    + removed unused code. [Björgvin Ragnarsson]
    + removed unused functions from MultiLineEdit in svtools module [Szabolcs Dezsi]
    + removed unused header include [Takeshi Abe]
    + rename members to track down assignments (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
    + replace installer::logger::include_header_into_globallogfile. [Tim Retout]
    + replace installer::parameter::make_absolute_path. [Tim Retout]
    + replaced 'if-elseif-else' chains with 'switches' where they seem natural [Mariusz Dykierek]
    + replaced String by rtl::OUString [Takeshi Abe]
    + resMgr::TestStack more robust [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + resolved use proper Indian Rupee currency symbol U+20B9 (rhbz#794679) [Eike Rathke]
    + resolves Adapt SDK to changed paths in LO installation (rhbz#789622) [Stephan Bergmann]
    + resoves duplicated .pfb without duplicated .afm drops font (fdo#42901) [Caolán McNamara]
    + revert "offapi: remove obsolete XInplaceLayout" [Thomas Arnhold]
    + revert "vcl: bring ImplFindByLocale back (windows build)" [Thomas Arnhold]
    + revert temporary and not properly ifdeffed Android stuff [Tor Lillqvist]
    + risk converting ByteString to rtl::OString for OSes I don't have [Caolán McNamara]
    + sOLAREXTRALIB unused [Matúš Kukan]
    + sT_InfoListReader and ST_InfoListWriter seem to be unused [Ivan Timofeev]
    + sal: remove dead code and empty lines [Thomas Arnhold]
    + salhelper: remove unexisting maps [Thomas Arnhold]
    + say "MSVC build" as that is what build_os = cygwin means [Tor Lillqvist]
    + scp2: java accessibilty bridge cleanup: (fdo#45530) [Michael Stahl]
    + sd::toolpanel::ScrollPanel::~ScrollPanel: bogus static_cast [Michael Stahl]
    + set SOLARLIB for Android [Tor Lillqvist]
    + sfx2's README: clarify and slightly expand [Michael Meeks]
    + shared libraries must in practice be called lib*.so on Android [Tor Lillqvist]
    + simplify code and use proper register names for linux armhf [Jani Monoses]
    + simplify installer::sorter::sorting_array_of_hashes. [Tim Retout]
    + skip merged libraries [Tor Lillqvist]
    + slidesorter: Kill unused maButtonDownBackground. [Jan Holesovsky]
    + slidesorter: No need for abstraction when there is only one descendant. [Jan Holesovsky]
    + slidesorter: Show the buttons on the opposite side... [Jan Holesovsky]
    + smoketest: remove doubled copyright line [Thomas Arnhold]
    + some more comphelper/configurationhelper clean up [Stephan Bergmann]
    + some very minor tweak(s) to "Improvment-of-Custom-Sheet-Prefix-Option" [Noel Power]
    + special-case files in /assets on Android [Tor Lillqvist]
    + split download and run test part of [Yifan J]
    + string to rtl::OUString in the xls pivot table import code. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + suppress -Werror for clucene [David Tardon]
    + suppress -Werror for vclplug_gtk3 [David Tardon]
    + svtools: Remove obsolete GraphicFilter::{Do,Has}ImportDialog [Thomas Arnhold]
    + svtools: remove unused GraphicObject::GetReleaseFromCache [Thomas Arnhold]
    + sw: SvxRTFItemStack has been changed to std::deque in the meantime [Miklos Vajna]
    + sw: add doxygen comments for some document model / layout classes [Miklos Vajna]
    + sw: add rtf slowcheck test that checks the resulting document model [Miklos Vajna]
    + sw: dead code removal [Thomas Arnhold]
    + sw: filters-test.cxx: failed attempt to layout loaded documents [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: fix crash in layout frame linked lists: (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: make LoadSaveTest runnable again [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: mention node indexes in layout xml dump [Miklos Vajna]
    + sw: remove superfluous flag: (fdo#41712) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: second round of doxygen comments [Miklos Vajna]
    + sw: ww8: ~SwIndexReg assertion: (i#87910, fdo#39006) [Michael Stahl]
    + tail_build: add test, toolkit, vcl, xmlscript [Matúš Kukan]
    + tell tooling about xmllint [Caolán McNamara]
    + testcase for (fdo#45543) [Miklos Vajna]
    + there is no libvclplug_svplo for Android [Tor Lillqvist]
    + these can be compiled with exceptions enabled [Caolán McNamara]
    + these were surely meant to be Z_PREFIX not ZLIB_PREFIX [Caolán McNamara]
    + this should test ods and not xls [Markus Mohrhard]
    + this test uses ScNamedRangeObj.ods too [Markus Mohrhard]
    + translate German comments [Philipp Weissenbacher]
    + translated German comments to English [David Vogt, Stefan Heinemann]
    + try to preserve the orientation of data layout dimension. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + turn on strictures for some installer Perl modules. [Tim Retout]
    + turn on strictures in installer::sorter [Tim Retout]
    + tweak "Convert tools/table.hxx in editeng/forbiddencharacterstable.hxx..." [Ivan Timofeev]
    + typo & copy/paste error in error message [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + typo fix: com.sum -> com.sun [Tor Lillqvist]
    + unodevtools: remove dead code [Thomas Arnhold]
    + unoil: fix Windows build [Matus Kukan]
    + unusedcode.easy: Removed unused code [Alexander Bergmann]
    + unusedcode.easy: desktop: singleton_entries is completely unused [Thomas Arnhold]
    + unusedeasy.code: remove SvxFont::DrawText [Thomas Arnhold]
    + update Makefile [Matúš Kukan]
    + update makefiles [David Tardon]
    + uploading new release of libvisio [Fridrich Štrba]
    + use "Close" instead of "Cancel" button in the about dialog [Petr Mladek]
    + use CJKAnalyzer for ko, zh-CN, and zh-TW, too (fdo#40665) [Andras Timar]
    + use Exporter for installer::sorter [Tim Retout]
    + use Exporter in installer::logger. [Tim Retout]
    + use Exporter in installer::setupscript and add unit test. [Tim Retout]
    + use Exporter in packager::work and add unit test. [Tim Retout]
    + use RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM instead of bare number [Takeshi Abe]
    + use STDLIBCUIMT so that the sample executables link for Android [Tor Lillqvist]
    + use bzip2 compression for dmg [Norbert Thiebaud]
    + use configured HOST_PLATFORM instread of hardcoded triplet [David Tardon]
    + use custom target for preparing sources [David Tardon]
    + use emptiness check rather than size check for efficiency [Mariusz Dykierek]
    + use gb_STDLIBS; No on-line update on non-desktop OSes [Tor Lillqvist]
    + use icu's breakiterator for Thai, not our customized generic rules [Caolán McNamara]
    + use sal crc32 and skip cast frenzy [Caolán McNamara]
    + use separate iterators for column and formula data. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + use stream name for module names when importing vba. & (bnc#747323, fdo#46151) [Noel Power]
    + use the same simple lo_main() on iOS as on Android [Tor Lillqvist]
    + valueSet: factor out duplicated code in InsertItem [Matteo Casalin]
    + valueSet: fix a test condition and remove an obsoleted header file [Matteo Casalin]
    + valueSet: from #defines to enum, with reduced scope [Matteo Casalin]
    + valueSet: merge almost empty implementation to main class [Matteo Casalin]
    + valueSet: removed unused members [Matteo Casalin]
    + valueSet: sal_Bool to bool [Matteo Casalin]
    + valueSet: use support function to clarify code [Matteo Casalin]
    + various fixes for JunitTests [Stephan Bergmann]
    + various string function clean up [Stephan Bergmann]
    + vcl: bring ImplFindByLocale back (windows build) [Thomas Arnhold]
    + vcl: dead code [Thomas Arnhold]
    + vcl: nFallbacklevel has no effect [Thomas Arnhold]
    + vcl: remove some more unused windows code [Thomas Arnhold]
    + vcl: simplify cut/paste shared module lists [Michael Meeks]
    + waE: /* inside comment [Thomas Arnhold]
    + waE: /* within comment [Caolán McNamara]
    + waE: NULL vs 0 with mingw [Caolán McNamara]
    + waE: add horror cast to calm Stephan's tinderbox [Michael Meeks]
    + waE: add horror cast to calm Windows tinderbox [Michael Meeks]
    + waE: add missing sal and cppunit dependencies causing tinderbox failure [Michael Meeks]
    + waE: add virtual dtor [Caolán McNamara]
    + waE: class has virtual functions, but destructor is not virtual [Tor Lillqvist]
    + waE: do this right... [Thomas Arnhold]
    + waE: enable exceptions for these too [Caolán McNamara]
    + waE: exec_javaldx defined but not used (javaless build) [David Tardon]
    + waE: fix build [Michael Meeks]
    + waE: keep msvc happy [Caolán McNamara]
    + waE: member initialization order [Caolán McNamara]
    + waE: mingw [Caolán McNamara]
    + waE: moaning about unintialized variables [Caolán McNamara]
    + waE: msvc:C4099 [Caolán McNamara]
    + waE: these are integers, not pointers [Caolán McNamara]
    + waE: type name first seen using 'class' now seen using 'struct' [Tor Lillqvist]
    + waE: uninitialized pCell [Caolán McNamara]
    + waE: unreachable code [Caolán McNamara, Tor Lillqvist]
    + waE: unreferenced local variable [Tor Lillqvist]
    + waE: ununsed variables [Caolán McNamara]
    + waE: unused code thinko [Michael Meeks]
    + waE: unused parameter [David Tardon]
    + waE: unused variable [Caolán McNamara]
    + waE: unused variable Event [Thomas Arnhold]
    + waE: unused variable bOk [Thomas Arnhold]
    + waE: unused variable err [Thomas Arnhold]
    + waE: unused variable nError [Thomas Arnhold]
    + waE: unused variable nLen [Thomas Arnhold]
    + waE: unused variable nPipes [Thomas Arnhold]
    + waE: unused variable rc [Thomas Arnhold]
    + waE: unused variable rgsabound [Thomas Arnhold]
    + waE: unused variables [Caolán McNamara]
    + we do want also create library for smoketest and deliver it [Matúš Kukan]
    + we want gb_STDLIBS here surely? [Tor Lillqvist]
    + when using libmerged there is no "tk" library [Tor Lillqvist]
    + work around macro redefinition warning [Stephan Bergmann]
    + wrong size of 'Remove watch' button at Basic IDE. (fdo#44237) [Tomcsik Bence]
    + xmloff: use ::comphelper::UStringLess instead of less_functor [Thomas Arnhold]
+ dictionaries
    + enable localization of Lightproof extensions [Andras Timar]
+ help
    + doh, XMLLINT only exported on --with-lang builds [Caolán McNamara]
    + inserting tables: both toolbars are possible [Stanislav Horacek]
    + move decimal places option to appropriate paragraph [Stanislav Horacek]
    + remove unused large handles option [Stanislav Horacek]
    + replace StarOffice by OpenOffice as in UI [Stanislav Horacek]
    + tables and drawings are not in print options [Stanislav Horacek]
+ translations
    + sync translations with libreoffice-3-5 branch [Andras Timar]

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