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On Tuesday 21 of February 2012, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 02/21/2012 08:57 PM, Thomas Arnhold wrote:
commit 45ad6029e1422c659e627bb30ecda50ccb61060c
@@ -174,12 +174,7 @@ static sal_Bool lcl_IsLess( const ScDPDataMember*
pDataMember1, const ScDPDataMe sal_Bool bError1 = pAgg1&& 
      sal_Bool bError2 = pAgg2&&  pAgg2->HasError();
      if ( bError1 )
-    {
-        if ( bError2 )
-            return false;       // equal
-        else
-            return false;       // errors are always sorted at the end
-    }
+        return sal_False;       // equal

Just FYI, there should ~never be a need to go back from "false" to
"sal_False" (we generally want to move any uses of the latter to become
uses of the former; so if you seek consistency across a function, it
might be better to replace other occurrences of sal_True/False than to
do the opposite).

 Moreover, although the change technically keeps the code the same, it 
slightly breaks the semantics - 'if( bError1 )' alone does not mean the two 
are equal, so now it is misleading. I'll put the proper comment back.

 Lubos Lunak


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