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On 18 February 2012 22:29, Petr Vorel <> wrote:
I run into troubles while building dictionaries, because I have on my system
set PERL_UNICODE=SDL (perl script
clone/dictionaries/dictionaries/util/ dies as it's forced to use
UTF-8, but not all dictionaries are in this encoding).

Interesting, I'd never seen this environment variable before. :)

First, setting this to "SDL" emulates the behaviour of Perl 5.8.0 -
this was deliberately fixed in 5.8.1 (see the perlrun and perl581delta
docs), so I would be careful about putting it in your environment.
It's likely to break more than just LibreOffice.

I am tempted to push your patch as a temporary fix, but there must be
a better way to handle this long-term... I'll check that I can
reproduce the problem, first.

As an idea, would it be possible to identify and re-encode the
dictionaries themselves as UTF-8?  After which we could set the
encoding of the filehandles explicitly in

Kind regards,

Tim Retout <>


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