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On 02/11/2012 07:24 PM, julien2412 wrote:
On master branch (not on 3.5 branch), each time I start a module Calc,
Writer or Impress (I didn't test on others), when I begin to type something,
it seems to freeze for some seconds (about 10 secs) then everything seems
So I runned valgrind by using this :
valgrind --tool=memcheck --num-callers=50 --trace-children=yes ./soffice.bin
2>&1 | tee /tmp/valgrind.log

If you suspect the cause for the delay to be unnecessary large amounts of code being executed, you should run valgrind with --tool=callgrind.

With this, I can't start LO at all because there are too much errors. By
taking a look, 98% of them are like this :
==4110== Invalid write of size 4
==4110==    at 0x2E7BE641: ???
==4110==    by 0x2E7AF437: ???
==4110==    by 0x2DA518CE: JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue*, methodHandle*,
JavaCallArguments*, Thread*) (in

JVMs are notorious for producing false positives from valgrind. I once improved that somewhat, by forcing the JVM into interpreted mode when run under valgrind (see "forceInterpreted" in jvmfwk/plugins/sunmajor/pluginlib/sunjavaplugin.cxx), but even the non-JITed code still produces noise (which I was able to silence at least on a Fedora 16 with trunk valgrind via a

  # (in /lib64/
  # (in /lib64/
  # (in /lib64/
  # (in /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk-

valgrind suppressions file).

I noticed these lines too :
    700 #ifdef MACOSX
     701     vm_args.version= JNI_VERSION_1_4; // issue 88987
     702 #else
     703     vm_args.version= JNI_VERSION_1_2;
     704 #endif
If we support jdk 1.4 min, we could use JNI version 1.4 according to this, no ? (or
perhaps it would need lots of changes to use it except for MacOS where it's
already used)

Yes, we could probably simplify the code by always using JNI_VERSION_1_4. But it should probably not make a difference (note that the example at <> still uses 1_2, and only states that it must be at least 1_2, but not that setting it to a higher value has any special effect), and who knows what would break with all those varied JVM implementations out there.



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