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Pushed all ( with the exception noted below ) to 3.4 and 3.5

On 07/02/12 11:05, Noel Power wrote:
I seem to have invalidated all my build trees, while waiting I saw this unreviewed so to me these look good and make sense, however I don't mark this thread as pushed yet, still awaiting local builds ( for 3.4 I had to manually tweak as git am didn't like some fuzz and some other minor difference so better to wait to see whether I screwed it up or not )
On 02/02/12 13:49, Michael Stahl wrote:
hi all,

these fixes for invalid ODF produced by LO should go into
libreoffice-3-4 and libreoffice-3-5:



pushed to 3.4 & 3.5
this one should go into -3-5, i'm not sure if we want to have it in -3-4
as well, as it does create a minor new backward incompatibility, and i'm
not sure if that is appropriate at this point in 3.4 lifecycle:

I only pushed this to 3.5, maybe Petr has an opinion on 3.4 ( but I was too scared ) ;-)
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