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Hi there,

On Mon, 2012-01-30 at 14:56 +0200, wrote:
    Well - it remains to be seen :-) quite probably our Android work will
end up giving us a nice backend to render documents incrementally to
pixels, without having the native UI - at least, as a first cut.
Is this work available somewhere in repo ? It would be nice to look at this
and check what would be need to be done by us.
        The vast majority of it is in master (and 3.5) but recently (to avoid
cross-compiling thrash on updates), we've used a 'feature/android'
branch .

    Sure - so that shouldn't be -so- hard. We already have pure native-code
that renders things to abstract pixel arrays, that is used by the gtk3,
headless, and android backends - it shouldn't be impossibly hard to
re-purpose that to your display system I guess.
And that's what I'm searching for. Thanks for your help. I rly appreciate it.
        Poke at vcl/android/ it should be fairly clear (I hope) - although,
currently we're mostly just rendering error dialogs instead of
documents :-) [ but that is changing ] - it'd be great to hack with you

        All the best,


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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