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On Sun, 2012-01-15 at 09:48 +0400, Ivan Timofeev wrote:
AFAIK in arithmetic bools are concerted to int so that true->1 and false->0.
Then, the result is converted back to bool (because the function returns 
bool) so that 0->false and 'any other value'->true.

So "return bool1 - bool2" can be replaced with not-so-magic "return 
bool1 != bool2", right?

By the way, the author of the code is Caolan, let's ask him. :)

I imagine what I would want to happen in the case that two fonts have
the same name, and one has a font version and one doesn't, that the one
that has a font version is sorted in the same order as if it had a font
version greater than the one that doesn't
i.e. return bHaveA > bHaveB;
committed that now and de-booled the comparison operands for some



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