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Hi Winfried,

        So - this best belongs on the QA list (which I've CC'd):

On Wed, 2012-01-04 at 11:44 +0100, Winfried Donkers wrote:
There are some bugs in calc that damage formulas/conditional formats
of cells. As this goes further than just being a nuisance I would like
to nominate them for solving with high(er) priority.

But I don't want to make things worse and I don't want to annoy people
who are already working hard on improving LibreOffice. (The bugs are
too complicated for me to hack)

        So - the best way to increase their visibility is to suggest them on
the 'most annoying' tracker bug for 3.5:

        With a description of why they're most annoying :-) if the QA / release
guys like them they'll get added as dependencies & at least more people
will see them.

        Thanks !


These are the bugs:

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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