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Hello everyone,

Sorry for my lack of responsiveness... but I was on holidays last week.

On Fri, 2011-12-30 at 18:18 +0100, Stefan Knorr (Astron) wrote:
Yeah ;-) - it is hard to make everyone happy, though I am not that
convinced that introducing one more option is the right solution.

Agree with that completely.

I agree with that too... though someone suggested me once that we could
have some hidden expert configuration feature a la mozilla. This kind of
configuration would be the ones that would appear only in that expert
config thing. That being said we can introduce some XCS/XCU file entry
for it without showing it an the UI ;)

So - what I'll try to do is that the appearing will start later (not 1
sec, but maybe 200 - 500 ms), but the functionality will be available
immediately when the mouse is there; so the impatient user who knows
where to click will be able to perform immediately, while the extensive
mouse traveller will not be annoyed.  Hopefully that will be the best
from the both worlds :-)

Sounds good. Almost wanted to propose that yesterday, but didn't dare
because you had patches already.

I have no strong opinion on that.

And... is it possible to show the controls only on a single page? See
the attached screenshot - it's absolutely crazy! %-)

Not pretty... but a corner case nevertheless. If you have enough
resources to fix all of these rendering bugs for 3.5 that would be
great, but hopefully these won't hurt too much otherwise.

Indeed, not pretty :)

So, for the future, we have the following drawing bugs present here:
* Page breaks: When moving with the mouse cursor from one page break
to the next very quickly, their little tabs don't disappear any more

I'll have a look at that.

* Page breaks: The dotted lines are drawn above the little tabs

That can be fixed quickly.

Another one that annoys me quite a bit (but can't be seen in Ivan's screenshot):
* Page breaks: the dotted line seems to move forward instead of just
being overlaid by the tab.

Ok, I'll fix that one as it causes another bug (flickering tab when
moving the mouse over the left end of the line)

:-) The thing is that you are really editing all the pages at the same
time (header applies to all of them).  The way out of that might be
showing the dashed line on all the pages, but the control only on the
page where you have the mouse pointer.  I'll try how hard will that be.

Agree with your solution, but note: the header indicators are shown on
_all_ pages, not just those with the same header style. If there's a
page using another header style, no indicator should be shown at all.

What about showing only the two tabs of the currently "selected"
page(s)? It's just a wild idea without code consideration ATM ;)



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