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Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
The attached 0001-* patch should implement the following:

 When transitioning from failure to success, email all committers
 since previous success.

Compared to my request quoted above, this also gets in the loop the
committer of the fix. It uselessly spams people that committed since
last failure and did not fix the build (but did an unrelated change),
but I think the service to the committer of the fix is worth that.

Thanks a lot, that looks nice - deployed on
MacOSX-Intel_3-OSX_10.6.0-gcc_4.0.1 locally, shoot me if that gets
annoying! :)

The attached 0002-* patch implements another change I think is
relevant: on failure (and the above failure-success transition), email
authors as well as committers. After all, the author of the patch may
have more clue and/or insight into the problem than the committer.

Hm. Not taking that for the while, as sometimes tinderboxen are
*very* spamming, and if author!=committer, the author typically has
no way of committing a fix him or herself. If the committer needs
help, they're always able to ask the author explicitely.


-- Thorsten

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