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On Fri, Dec 09, 2011 at 02:47:47PM +0000, Michael Meeks wrote:
      Wow - I assume this was the cryptic & magic item you wanted to discuss
at the TSC next week :-)
Yes. ;)

      + are these binaries 'generic' ? ie. did you build them
        on an old enough distribution, with a clean enough config
        that they are usable on things other than
        Debian/Ubuntu-latest ? :-)
They are generic only in the sense that I didnt do a --with-system-foo, but
other than that, they have been compile on Ubuntu 11.10, so might not work on
older stuff. I was driven by the "Now is better than never." line from the Zen
of Python for this decision. ;)

      Either way - it seems pretty cool to me. I wonder if we could find a
way to completely automate the production of this using our generic
linux tinderboxen ?
Should be doable. There were quite a few of tweaks and turns in the beginning
(you want to get this stuff halfway right, when you are churning away 24 cores
nonstop for 3 days on your own electricity bill), but in the end it should
integrate well with the tinderboxes. However, I assume this will not work quite
as well incrementally as the binary repo was ~4GB before I purged and repacked
it with:

git purge && git repack -ad --window 2000 --depth 55 --funroll-loops --abuse-my-ram --yes-all-of-it

- takes quite a bit of time
- packs everything in one pack, which sucks for incremental downloads

So, it is a proof-of-concept prototype, but unless somebody finds out I packed
the same version 53 times or something like that, it should be a good starting




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