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Hi there,

On Mon, 2011-09-12 at 09:02 +0200, Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote:
I can't find a list of all experimental features that are enabled by the
option in Tools > Options > LibreOffice > General

Does such a list exist ?

        Nope :-) but you can git grep for people checking the setting.

Experimental features I know :
- macros recorder
- in-line formula editor

Is there something else ?

        David just added native gtk+ print dialog integration.

        I'm considering disabling the gtk3 backend unless in experimental mode
(if we can build it at all on the old Linux we have to use for this).

In it is said that
the features developed during the GSoc would be integrated as soon as
possible and unfinished feature works will be activated only when
enabling experimental features.

        Riight - so - I was working hard to merge the python wizards conversion
stuff, but this is really still very bleeding edge; so it's there, but
disabled. Poentially it is a one-liner to enable though but a manual

        Of course - having a complete list would be nice :-) we should prolly
have a wiki page somewhere for that.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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