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Hi Olivier,

        Caolan - after the 'word count' victim dialog, it seems that the
extensions dialog has a foul nightmare of manual size calulation all
over it ;-) cf. the ~90 lines of:

        desktop/source/deployment/gui/dp_gui_dialog2.cxx /Resize/

        That also happen to do rather a bad job and defeat casual attempts to
improve them :-)

On Mon, 2011-11-28 at 22:48 -0200, Olivier Hallot wrote:
    returns 0 instead of 1 - it seems the value is ignored
anyway, and 0 might be more ignoreable when read ? :-)
Well I did what other event handlers did a couple of lines above and 
below... They return 1. Do I need to change all of them?
        Makes sense; fair enough :-) lets just leave them for now

OK, back to the math notepad for a better listbox size calculation. 
Tested with fontsize 13 and 10. Patch attached
        :-) the TWIPS based positioning should be font-size indeterminate.

About the defaults, I set it to be the same as the previous extension 
manager dialog.
        Sure - but perhaps the ux-advisors will suggest something better to
hide the umpteen built in extensions by default (?) - that might be a
reasonable suggestion - I assume your users would prefer that too ?

        I pushed your 2nd patch (thanks).

        All the best,


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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