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Hi Mike,

On Thu, 2011-11-24 at 23:56 -0800, Mike Whiteley wrote:
I'm probably not doing this right, but I took a bit of time
and decided to help out a bit here.
        It's much appreciated ! :-) thank you.

Attached is a small patch for a few German to English
translations for some comments.  If this all goes well,
I plan on doing more, but this is a test of some.
        Every little helps; and this looks fine (no doubt some nit picking is
possible, but this is a real improvement so it's in).

Please let me know if there is a more preferred way
to submit these kinds of patches.
        This is fine; one thing that is missing is an explicit MPL/LGPLv3+
license. The preferred way to do that is to send a blanket mail to the
list for all your contributions, so we can link it into:

        Could you do that ? Anyhow - thanks so much for helping out, looking
forward to your next patch :-)

        All the best,


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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