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For getpid, this is my mistake, sorry, I must check before if NPTL getpid
is conform to the posix requirements (one PID for all threads in one
process). It seems to be Posix compliant :

I will check and send you a patch for this.

I want to add some annotations like format_arg and noreturn (or an
equivalent for MSVC, CLang...)  specially for trace, assert, abort and
info. Is it useful ?

Best regards

2011/11/21 Michael Meeks <>

Hi there,

On Fri, 2011-11-18 at 20:15 +0100, Arnaud Versini wrote:
The first patch replace the usage of gethostbyname by the reentrant
        Looks nice, and functional for all unix's that I can see :-)

The second and third patch removes internal gethostbyname_r, backtrace
and  backtrace_symbols_fd. I'm not sure about these two patches, those
functions are in the libc on all current OS and symbols are not
        The second looks fine; after all we have this osl_ variant that we
actually using - lets hope that _osl_gethostbyname_r wasn't using this
impl. on some obscure platform.

       I reverted the getpid() section from it - sadly, getpid does (or
do odd things on Linux around threads (as the comment says) and it's
hard to see what that might break.

       The backtrace patch at worst seems to undo a fix for a
Linux/sparc backtrace method:

       that we can expect is fixed now, and since we don't submit
via the crash-reporter anyway ... ;-)

       So some nice cleanups; thanks ...

       One thing I noticed there was the under-usage of osl_sempahore and
related bits. It might be worth checking the rest of the code to see if
in fact we need this at all - the Condition stuff is much more widely

       If we find it is not / hardly ever used, we could use the generic:


       implementation directly in-lined in the semaphore impl. and schedule
Semaphore for ultimate removal in LibreOffice 4:

       But perhaps I'm missing something there.

       Anyhow - thanks for that ! :-)



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

Arnaud Versini


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