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2011/11/21 Caolán McNamara <>:
On Mon, 2011-11-21 at 11:24 +0100, Markus Mohrhard wrote:
 Big thanks from me too.

 And just for the record all ods, xls and xlsx documents are tested with master.
Really?, wow. i.e. every .ods, .xls and .xlsx available from
freedesktop,, and is crash-free in
libreoffice master at parser level ?

Yes I tested around 4200 documents but most without memcheck. I have
been running all xlsx documents with memcheck and we are at the moment
trying to fix the problems memchck listed. I also tested around 100
random ods and xls documents with memcheck but they were all clean.

Not every document is crash free. We have 15 documents that either
froze during the import or crashed calc. I have sent the list to Eike
and Kohei and have already fixed two crashs. If anyone else is
interested in the list with these documents I can mail them.


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