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Hi Brian,

On Thu, 2011-11-10 at 13:59 -0800, BrianS wrote:
I'm interested in the possibility of using parts of LO to convert documents
from .doc and related formats to .pdf on iOS.
        Great - sounds like it overlaps with Tor's Android work quite nicely,
it'd be fantastic to have you working on that with us.

 I know that the port of LO to iOS is underway but honestly I've had some
difficulty building it.
        That's quite normal, you've read README.cross ? :-) also more concrete
details on the specific problems would be good.

Is it likely to be possible to take a subset of LO for this purpose of
converting files on iOS?
        Certainly - but there are a number of blockers, after the cross
compilation - we need to do more work to statically link the whole beast
into one big blob.

        Tor's also doing some nice work to shrink what is compiled and included
by adding a DESKTOP flag that is not set on these devices - to shrink
the big blob - help much appreciated there of course.

        Finally some small amount of wrapper logic to run the moral equivalent

        ./soffice --convert-to pdf foo.docx

        or whatever would be necessary.

Any guidance would be appreciated.
        The field is wide open for hackers interested in helping out here and
we'd love to mentor you & get patches included etc. There is no out of
the box solution (yet), and no ETA for this on iOS - but presumably Tor
has mode details.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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