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Michiel Leenaars:
Would it be an idea to have a liaison between the Document Foundation
and other projects such as Calligra, AbiWord/Gnumeric, with a named
standards compliance person (and a fallback) within each project, which
take care of monitoring and pushing fixes - given that breaking the
standard is a severe thing that noone wants, and fixing such things is
best done from the inside.

Hi Michiel,

hm - I wonder why we'd need this extra ceremony. From what I can
tell, the problem is not acknowledging the problem, but actually
fixing it.

I've personally addressed a bunch of interop things myself, if and
when my time permitted it (and usually made fixing those a priority
over other equally important tasks). If beyond that there are urgent
issues in LibO that you, or the other ODF-processing FLOSS projects
deem important, I think the most promising avenue to success is to
motivate hackers to come & fix those.

Or is there a recent example where not having such a role was
causing much trouble?

Of course, talking with you, Jos, Ben & others from those projects
on how to improve ODF interop should happen nevertheless - but does
take place, works nice & well, often & informally. :)


-- Thorsten

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