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I dug into and
I've stalled...

--Some explanations.--

When inserting a point there is a call to
SdrDragView::ImpBegInsObjPoint (svx/source/svdraw/svddrgv.cxx).

Inside it:

- we remember the number of new point in a polypolygon:
mnInsPointNum = pMarkedPath->NbcInsPoint*;

- we call AdjustMarkHdl that calls SetMarkHandles. Inside
SetMarkHandles we add all handles - including custom ones (anchors in
Writer) and then sort handles. So, mnInsPointNum (see previous step)
becomes invalid (in Wrtier).

- we use [invalid] mnInsPointNum to get handle by its index *in
SdrHdlList* (var aHdl) using remembered index *in polygon*:
BegDragObj(rPnt, pOut, aHdl.GetHdl(mnInsPointNum), 0);

So, we can use mnInsPointNum only if custom (and other) handles had
placed *after* point handles in SdrHdlList.

--Possible solutions.--

1. Rearrange the following lines of the SetMarkHandles method

        // add custom handles (used by other apps, e.g. AnchorPos)
        // sort handles


        // sort handles
        // add custom handles (used by other apps, e.g. AnchorPos)

2. Tweak sorting of handles somehow - method Compare
(svx/source/svdraw/svdhdl.cxx#1704) looks ugly...
3. Something else.

Can someone provide some comments/tips/decisions?




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