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Hi Andras!

Thanks for taking care ... I'd like to ask a question concerning the
patch (and you might quickly notice that I'm a non-hacker).

Am Dienstag, den 25.10.2011, 14:48 +0200 schrieb Andras Timar:

* will move to Apache infrastructure soon. The
attached patch redirects links to TDF infrastructure. After push,
there I'll push the follow-up patch to translations module. I'll
create the missing pages in TDF wiki ASAP. This was a quick hack, for
3.5 I would like to check every link whether we really need it.
When looking at the patch, I see e.g. the change from:

Does this mean that we'll convert the given structure of the OOoWiki to
the TDF wiki? If yes, do you think its helpful to ease the maintenance
of such pages to either use subdirectories (like some of the links
already have "/Documentation/How_Tos/") or to redirect to the "real"
LibO online help (don't know if pages can already be edited)?

Consequently, might this be something for the documentation team?

Thanks in advance!



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