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This shared library is containing APIs that allow to access the registry
key that contains an information about the installation path of
LibreOffice on windows.

If you develop using SDK an application connecting to LibreOffice, and
the application needs to know where LibreOffice is actually installed,
you cannot read registry using java pure, so this library has a C
interface that the Java code can load.

Now, on *nix one is most probably achieving the same result by calling
which or some similar method.

This DLL is available in SDK not only on Windows, because your Java
application should be cross-platform and thus bundle this library if it
needs it even if developed on *nix.



On 23/10/11 10:16, Tomáš Chvátal wrote:
could someone tell me why
185d60944ea767075d27247c3162b3bc-unowinreg.dll is required at odk
enabled build on linux?

I can't think of any reason... :)


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