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Hi all,

I don't know which of these are bugs are which are features...

Anyway, I noticed that LO 3.4.3 is still showing a 2000, 2010 copyright.
Shouldn't that be 2011? 

I just reported the bug 41209 regarding the missing Thai, Lao and Khmer
language choices in font selection. What I really want is the ability to
set the default European, CJK and SE Asian fonts for a single style. It
seems that at one time Open Office had that setting (or am I thinking of
a different software package made by the people in Redmond?). Is this in
the works or should I file a separate bug for this?

Today when typing in Lao in Calc I had to nearly manhandle the computer
to get it to display the Lao font. Although I had set the global default
to the Lao font of my choice, in each cell that I tried to type in Lao,
LO reverted to some system font that does not render Lao properly. I
then had to manually reapply the Lao font (hunting for the font from the
dropdown list). Not sure what type of bug this is or where to put it,
but it makes using LO with Lao very problematic.

This leads to a feature request: to have the fonts currently used in a
document or spreadsheet to list at the top of the dropdown font list.
That way one doesn't have to hunt to apply a font that has already been
used. (I know that everyone should use styles, etc. but sometime one
there is only a few instances of something in a short document, it is
just as easy to apply the font changes manually. There is also the fact
that not all languages are localized to the point where each user will
understand the full benefit of styles. So being able to quickly select
the fonts that are currently being used in a document/spreadsheet could
potentially benefit many people.)

Should I file bug reports for these?



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