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On Fri, 9 Sep 2011, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:

diff --git a/slideshow/ b/slideshow/
index f3dd316..9e31c16 100644
--- a/slideshow/
+++ b/slideshow/
@@ -63,6 +63,10 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_linked_libs,OGLTrans,\
     $(gb_STDLIBS) \

+$(eval $(call gb_Library_use_external,OGLTrans,Mesa))

that is unnecessary. because

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -36,6 +36,19 @@
 # in the system case, no libraries should be registered, but the target-local
 # variable LIBS should be set to FOO_LIBS, and INCLUDES to FOO_CFLAGS.

+define gb_LinkTarget__use_Mesa
+$(eval $(call gb_LinkTarget_add_external_headers,$(1),Mesa_inc))

should take care of that (altough the test above is not precise
enough. on MacOSX for instance SYSTEM_MESA_HEADERS is unset, but that
means YES)
I think the cleaner solution would be to change to make
sure that SYSTEM_MESA_HEADERS is always set with a sane value...

Note: yes the ifeq in slideshow do work.. but I'd rather hide these in rather than polluting the module level makefile
with too many ifeq/fdef...


Without the ifeq and with SYSTEM_MESA_HEADERS=YES I got this error.

/root/libreoffice/slideshow/ *** gb_LinkTarget_use_external: unknown 
external: Mesa.  Stop.

I'm not sure what a better way to fix this would be.



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