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This appears to be a windows weirdity related to the fact that my account 
name and my machine name is the same.
Under this situation, the LookupAccountName API call will return the wrong 
Well, "wrong" or "right" is a matter of opinion here, I guess... The documentation doesn't exactly 
mention this for LookupAccountName(),, true, but on the other hand, I guess that in general member 
computers also are "accounts" in the domain, or something, so it makes sense from that point of 

Anyway, great catch!

Does this help?

diff --git a/sal/qa/osl/security/osl_Security.cxx b/sal/qa/osl/security/osl_Security.cxx
index ea59027..f5da4d9 100644
--- a/sal/qa/osl/security/osl_Security.cxx
+++ b/sal/qa/osl/security/osl_Security.cxx
@@ -464,8 +466,11 @@ void MyTestPlugInImpl::initialize( CPPUNIT_NS::TestFactoryRegistry *,
         // Set the count variables to the buffer sizes and retrieve the SID.
         cbSid = dwSidBufferSize;
         cchDomainName = dwDomainBufferSize;
+        WCHAR wszComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1];
+        DWORD nComputerNameSize = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1;
+        GetComputerNameW( wszComputerName, &nComputerNameSize );
         if (LookupAccountNameW(
-                           NULL,            // Computer name. NULL for the local computer
+                           wszComputerName,
                            pSid,          // Pointer to the SID buffer. Use NULL to get the size 
                            &cbSid,          // Size of the SID buffer needed.



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