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On 29 August 2011 09:48, Stephan Bergmann
<> wrote:
On Aug 28, 2011, at 11:57 PM, Matúš Kukan wrote:
I was working on gbuildizing sal and few problems showed up:

1, in sal/osl/unx/system.h:75 there is #if GLIBC >= 2
   but I could not find how is GLIBC defined. In I have
GLIBC="2REDHAT60" but that is something else probably.
   (wrong branch in #if .. #else .. is executed for me)
solenv/inc/ CDEFS+=-DGLIBC=2

So it is 2 for linux and macosx and else undefined and we are
comparing it to 2 ?
Could the else branch be removed and first executed unconditionally
because we are in #ifdef LINUX part ?
Probably in the past was possible to have GLIBC < 2.

2. Then also somewhere has to be defined architecture for
rtl/source/macro.hxx, but I could not find where it is for build
   and may be we need add this to gbuild/platform/*
solenv/inc/ CDEFS=-D$(OS)

OS is the first part, it's defined also in gbuild but the second part
with processor caused trouble.
I found -D$(CPUNAME) in
That's INTEL for me but there is chaos about this cpu thing.
There is also X86 defined in
In gbuild/platform/*.mk, somewhere is -D$(CPUNAME) but for there is -DX86.
So my architecture is unsupported in gbuild because macro.hxx is
checking for INTEL.
Is it possible we need X86 to be defined somewhere. I'd just use
-D$(CPUNAME) and no manually added constants.
Do we need also CPUNAME and also these constants in platform specific
makefiles ?

3. There were functions which are visible in library but are not in
exported headers and not used in LibreOffice outside sal
   and are listed in qa/helper/gcov/deprecated.txt (there are also
other functions listed)
Do you have an example of such a function?

rtl_hashfunc, rtl_hashentry_destroy and 5 more rtl_hashtable_* from

and I forgot to ask what n means in build.lst, w=windows, u=unx.. but n= ?
It's for win32 directories. Are we building it on windows or is it
something old, unused ?




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