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In the iOS porting effort one problematic thing is the dynamic code generation used in the C++/UNO 
bridge. Some experimentation would indicate, however, that in "normal" use of LO very few kinds of 
"snippets" are actually generated, so it would be trivial to just pre-generate a sufficient static 
set of assembly source code snippets using a short shell script or whatever. (Especially as for iOS 
there won't be any Java, Python, or binary extension support, or support of Basic macros in 
documents, so the set of potentially generated code snippets is fixed a priori, even if it might be 
tedious to exactly find out the whole set.)

(It is the App Store rules that as far as I understand prevent the support for arbitrary scripts 
loaded from the outside in any app, including Basic code in documents. As for dynamic code 
generation, I don't know if the OS prevents it (mprotect() etc), or whether this too is "just" an 
enforced rule. Anyway, my goal for the iOS porting effort is that the code could potentially be 
used in an app distributed on the App Store. I am not interested in the jailbreaking scene.)

So, I would want some empirical data... Could you please add logging output code as below to the 
codeSnippet() function in the cpp2uno part of the C++/UNO bridge for your platform, and run some 
representative use cases of LO without using any extensions or macros in documents, but otherwise 
with complex things going on, sort the stderr output dropping duplicates (sort -u), and post as a 
followup, thanks.

Below is diff for MacOSX (which I know compiles and works), and x86-64 Linux (which I don't have 
time right now to test (leaving on a short trip with the family in an hour), but it should be 
trivial to fix in case there is a typo)...


diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_intel/cpp2uno.cxx 
index 2ceb0bb..6a26bd3 100644
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_intel/cpp2uno.cxx
+++ b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_intel/cpp2uno.cxx
@@ -438,6 +438,17 @@ unsigned char * codeSnippet(
         = ((unsigned char *) exec) - p - sizeof (sal_Int32);
     p += sizeof (sal_Int32);
     OSL_ASSERT(p - code <= codeSnippetSize);
+    fprintf(stderr,
+            "==> codeSnippet to %s, functionIndex=%d%s, vtableOffset=%d\n",
+            (exec == privateSnippetExecutorGeneral ? "General" :
+             (exec == privateSnippetExecutorVoid ? "Void" :
+              (exec == privateSnippetExecutorHyper ? "Hyper" :
+               (exec == privateSnippetExecutorFloat ? "Float" :
+                (exec == privateSnippetExecutorDouble ? "Double" :
+                 (exec == privateSnippetExecutorClass ? "Class" :
+                  "???")))))),
+            (functionIndex & ~0x80000000), (functionIndex & 0x80000000) ? "|0x80000000":"", 
+    fflush(stderr);
     return code + codeSnippetSize;

diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_x86-64/cpp2uno.cxx 
index c9b5185..c8d45a7 100644
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_x86-64/cpp2uno.cxx
+++ b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_x86-64/cpp2uno.cxx
@@ -434,6 +434,11 @@ unsigned char * codeSnippet( unsigned char * code,
     // jmpq *%r11
     *reinterpret_cast<sal_uInt32 *>( code + 20 ) = 0x00e3ff49;

+    fprintf(stderr,
+            "==> codeSnippet to privateSnippetExecutor, functionIndex=%d%s, vtableOffset=%d\n",
+            nFunctionIndex), (bHasHiddenParam) ? "|0x80000000":"", nVtableOffset);
+    fflush(stderr);
     return code + codeSnippetSize;


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