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I took the wiki's Vim tip to build a module from within Vim and enhanced
it to compile the current source file (and only that) in both, dmake and
gbuild modules. If the current file is a Makefile, the entire module is
built using make. If the current file is build.lst, the entire module is
built using build. Should work (can't test at the moment due to a dying
graphics adapter) also with a detached gvim where sourcing the
environment is needed first. Attached.


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" Call appropriate makeprg with Ctrl+K
map <C-K> :call Make()<CR>

if $SOLARENV == ""
    " Normal makeprg, not in LibreOffice/ environment
    function Make()
    " The root of the directory where we stop going further up, excluding.
    " For example, if /libo/core is the tree's root, the root of that is /libo
    let s:dir_root = fnamemodify( $SRC_ROOT, ":h" )
    function DirLimit( dir )
        return a:dir == s:dir_root

    function GetDotPath()
        let l:dir = "."
        while !DirLimit( l:dir ) && !filereadable( l:dir . "/Makefile" ) && !filereadable( l:dir . 
"/prj/build.lst" )
            let l:dir .= "/.."
        if DirLimit( l:dir )
            let l:dir = "."
            " get rid of first ./
            " The loop above could be changed to make this unnecessary, but
            " as is it is identical to the one in GetModuleRoot()
            let l:dir = substitute( dir, "\./", "", "" )
        return l:dir

    function GetModuleRoot()
        let l:mods = ":p:h"
        let l:dir = expand( "%" . l:mods )
        while !DirLimit( l:dir ) && !filereadable( l:dir . "/Makefile" ) && !filereadable( l:dir . 
"/prj/build.lst" )
            let l:mods .= ":h"
            let l:dir = expand( "%" . l:mods )
        if DirLimit( l:dir )
            let l:dir = expand( "%:p:h" )
        return l:dir

    function Make()
        " cd into current file's directory before obtaining module's root
        let l:my_local_path = expand("%:h")
        if (l:my_local_path == "")
            let l:my_local_path = "."
        exec 'lcd ' . l:my_local_path
        if has("gui_running")
            " Source environment for detached gvim. Use ENV.$INPATH instead of
            " when building for more than one platform and
            " ln -s ENV.$INPATH
            " or something similar.
            let l:mymake = "source $SRC_ROOT/ && "
            let l:mymake = ""
        let l:jobs = "1"    " define how many jobs you want with make
        let l:module = GetModuleRoot()
        " Define the make tool, order is significant as a Makefile exists in
        " the project's root returned as module if none exists in the module.
        if expand( "%:t" ) == "Makefile"
            " If the current file is a Makefile, gbuild the entire module.
            exec 'lcd ' . l:module
            let l:mymake .= "make -sr -j" . l:jobs . " wall=true debug=true"
        elseif expand( "%:t" ) == "build.lst"
            " If the current file is a build.lst, dmake the entire module.
            let l:mymake .= " wall=true debug=true -P2 -- -P3"
        elseif filereadable( "" )
            let l:mymake .= "dmake wall=true debug=true " . GetDotPath() . "/$INPATH/slo/%:t:r.obj"
        elseif filereadable( l:module . "/Makefile" )
            exec 'lcd ' . l:module
            " Pass target as full path constructed of now relative part.
            let l:mymake .= "make -sr -j" . l:jobs . " wall=true debug=true $WORKDIR/CxxObject/" . 
fnamemodify( l:module, ":t" ) . "/%:.:h/%:t:r.o"
            let l:mymake .= " wall=true debug=true -P2 -- -P3"
        let &makeprg = l:mymake

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