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On Wed, Aug 03, 2011 at 10:42:55PM +0200, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
On Wed, Aug 03, 2011 at 04:51:13PM +0100, Caolán McNamara wrote:
What are your configure options for me to see if I can replicate this ?
Looks like evilness which should be fixed.
I'm in a similar situation on master branch, but for me the smoketest
fails in officeconnection.cxx in function OfficeConnection::setUp(),
at that assertion:
    for (;;) {
        try {
            context_ =
                css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext >(
                        desc +
        } catch (css::connection::NoConnectException &) {}
        if (process_ != 0) {
            TimeValue delay = { 1, 0 }; // 1 sec
                osl_joinProcessWithTimeout(process_, &delay));
(..) the assertion succeeds several times, and then
finally fails, when the return value of the function call becomes
osl_Process_E_None (that is, 0).
Forgot to write: I configured with

'--prefix=/home/master/src/libreoffice/usr/' '--verbose'
'--with-num-cpus=2' '--with-max-jobs=2' '--enable-debug'
'--enable-dbgutil' '--enable-crashdump' '--enable-dependency-tracking'
'--with-extension-integration' '--with-system-libs'
'--without-system-mozilla' '--with-build-version=(LEM development build)'
'--with-system-odbc' '--with-system-sane-header'
'--with-system-xrender-headers' '--disable-zenity' '--enable-gcjaot'
'--enable-ext-report-builder' '--without-system-jars'
'--with-openldap' '--without-system-lpsolve'
'--enable-ext-mysql-connector' '--with-system-mysql'

 gcc (Debian 4.6.1-5) 4.6.1
Environment: Debian GNU/Linux squeeze (stable) and sid (unstable) mix



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