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On Wed, Aug 03, 2011 at 09:04:12PM +0530, swagat sharma wrote:

I want some details about the packaging of LO. Sorry if I am asking it in
the wrong channel but I did not get much information elsewhere.
I have created some macros and packed them as extensions. I have also
created some templates for company's purpose. How can I create standard
debian package?
dh-make will create a template for a Debian package and get you
started. As far as I understand, on the Debian package level, all
you'll have to do is install the right files in the right place. With
the template created for you by dh-make, you'd add the files that need
to be installed in the file debian/PACKAGE_NAME.install (in the Debian
source package), with format:

source_file /directory/where/to/install

To create the Debian binary package (the .deb), run "debuild" or

General documentation about building Debian packages:

Other documents of use:

Mailing list for "beginners in Debian packaging":



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