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Rainer Bielefeld píše v Pá 22. 07. 2011 v 13:50 +0200:
Florian Effenberger schrieb:

can someone fill the page

has been discussed yesterday at TSC call, we have
<> (Ah, I see, you 
closed it) with hint for some draft contents.
AFAIK Petr is involved.
Circle has completed ;-) I have asked to Florian to look at it because I
did not have rights to modify the download page. Also I thought that
Florian had more experiences in writing such things.

Anyway, it seems to be solved now. Florian updated the link on the
download page and created draft wiki pages. Nino updated them with the
list of fixed bugs. I have just added still valid information from older
release notes.

Best Regards,


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