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I would like to join the LibreOffice development community, but i have
a problem.
Recently I have also joined LibreOffice development me first patch is
waiting to be pushed, so Hello:)

I tried to build LibreOffice as shown on But when i tried
You can get more info on this site:

  internal build errors:

ERROR: error 65280 occurred while
making /home/ilbay/Desktop/libreoffice/bootstrap/svtools/prj

 it seems that the error is inside 'svtools', please re-run build
 inside this module to isolate the error and/or test your fix:

rm -Rf /home/ilbay/Desktop/libreoffice/bootstrap/svtools/
# optional module 'clean'
cd /home/ilbay/Desktop/libreoffice/bootstrap
source ./
cd svtools
make -r
Have you done as described above? What errors do you have when compiling
this module? Above error as general, more info is needed.

I don't know what to do. I googled it but I got no answer. I will be
pleased and thankful to you for your helps.
Just ask when you have problems and look at development wiki

Best Regards,


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