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I am terribly sorry I am sending the minutes this late :-(

Present: Kendy, Andras, Mitch, Petr, Rainer, Rene, Caolan

* Finished Action Items:
        + conference papers
                + Andras:
                        + l10n panel / BoF

* Pending Action Items:
        + Easy Hacks - completion / fixing (Bjoern)
        + in-progress: get SmartArt into master feature (Thorsten)
        + in-progress: manual for using nightlies (Rainer)

                * cannot upgrade easily from one daily to another
                * biggest problem with windows minor / milestone no.
        * in-progress: implementing vertical text with Cairo (Caolan)
        * download: split the m5 and filename (Caolan)
        + windows snapshot builds are really old (Fridrich)
        + Submit the suggested papers ... (All)
                + Michael
                        + meet the ESC panel ...
                        + status report for the last year's work ?
                + Mitch
                        + feedback from a new C++ extension author
                + Caolan
                        + Writer internals cf. FOSDEM ? (with Cedric)
                        + Security / testing infrastructure / work
                + Francois
                        + making LibreOffice easier to port
                + Cedric
                        + GSOC update - double-slot
                        + what's next in writer
                + Norbert
                        + onegit and threading fun [ in absentia ]
                + Bjoern
                        + gbuild - why / how / get involved
        + read the gettext patch again (Michael, Bjoern)
        + ask Matus to look into gnumake4 CWS ...
        + review Norbert's updated C app (Kendy, Tor)
        + enable on-line updates for QA for dailies ... (Kendy)
        + create / re-use wiki page how to contact other teams for more
          complex features (Petr)
        * Go through the not-yet-fixed Most Annoying 3.4 bugs, and see
          how many of them are / are not in 3.3.x already (Rainer)
        * Have a look at

* misc technical / process decisions
        + one git migration timeline / plans (deferred to next time)

                * defer when Norbert and Michael are here

        + a good word to describe 'relevant research' vs. 'spec.'
                * "blueprint"? "proposal"?
                        * consensus: let's name it "proposal"
                * collected on wiki as ideas + announced on the ML
                * no enforcing, no strict "you have to do this and that"
AA Petr         * AI Petr: create / re-use wiki page how to contact
                  other teams for more complex features

        + status of IBM / AIX builds (Francois)

                * result: AIX is good to have in the repo

        + revert Python 3 support? (Christian)
                + options: revert, fix, conditionalize

                * ideally get Python 2 and 3 co-existing
                * suspicious about patch that does not have the
                  indentation right :-(
                * consensus: revert for now, and let's hope in a better
                  attempt / work on a better attempt

* Releng bits (Petr)
        + 3.4.2 RC1 status

        * RC1 uploaded in pre-releases
        * Florian Effenberger mirroring
        * we fixed quite some bugs
        * would be great to get a fix for the recovery of the MSO files
                * Tor working on that
        * Petr not aware of a blocker
        * "enterprise readiness" on the pages
                * wrong question, better ask
                  "would you recommend 3.3.3 -> 3.4.2 upgrade?"
AA Rainer       * AI Rainer: Go through the not-yet-fixed Most Annoying
                  3.4 bugs, and see how many of them are / are not in
                  3.3.x already
AA Kendy        * AI Kendy to look at

* QA update (Rainer)

        * planning a bug hunting session
                * asked for a banner to advertise that
                * added hints to QA Menu
        * QA mailing list?  Or a bugzilla bug where people could
                * consensus: mailing list preferred
                * mail


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