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Andras Timar píše v Čt 14. 07. 2011 v 23:00 +0200:
Hi Petr,

2011.07.12. 16:02 keltezéssel, Petr Mladek írta:
there have been created the libreoffice- tag for 3.4.2-rc1 release.
The corresponding official builds will be available by the end of the week.

See the attached list of changes against 3.4.1-final.
I saw changes in the bugfix list that were in 3.4.1 final, so they are
now new fixes. Example:
+ set default min password length in ctor of password dialog (fdo#37771)
[Andras Timar]
Maybe you counted all changes after the creation of libreoffice- tag.
I used the command:

    bin/lo-commit-stat --log-suffix=release- . \

It got the list of changes using:

    git log libreoffice-

Hmm, it somehow does not detect fixes that were "cherry picked" between
libreoffice-3-4 and libreoffice-3-4-1 branches.

Hmm, the option --cherry-pick does not help. They were either not cherry
picked or this option does not work.

Does anyone have any idea how to get a better list of changes between
the two tags? How to filter the "same" commits?

Best Regards,

PS: The above sample commit is from the list-core repo.


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